Thursday, July 18, 2024

Science v. Medicine v. Ideology


Well, the NYT is real journalism, revered by Dan, right?  


Marshal Art said...

Not up to signing up, even for free, at this moment in order to read the article, but the headline suggests a horror for the LGBTQASPCA+++x4 crowd. Has the NYT been conned by Trump?

Craig said...

This is one more increasing, but rare, example of the MSM acknowledging that the "trans" narrative might not be as perfect as the Dans of the world pretend that it is. At some point don't journalists have to face facts when the facts are increasingly demonstrating that the narrative is false?

Marshal Art said...

Apparently when they're forced to.

Craig said...

Strangely enough, Dan is able to ignore the information reported by real journalists, from real purveyors of real journalism, and cling to the fantasy narrative.