"Thoughts on Immigration:
1) Christians can love their immigrant neighbors by being charitable towards them, sharing the gospel with them, and inviting them to church.
2) Christians, who are heritage Americans (which is focused on culture, not color/historically has been predominantly white, but not exclusively white), can righteously grieve the eroding of their history and culture due to mass immigration.
3) Christians can vote, as well as inform others to vote, in ways that stop mass immigration and seek to preserve their distinct way of life.
4) Christians can recognize that, statistically, the vast majority of immigrants vote Democrat. This is not necessarily because all of them are pro-abortion and pro-LGBT. Many immigrants have conservative views on these issues. However, most immigrants will vote for whatever political party promises to let their families and friends into the country. In other words, they will vote Democrat for the purpose of loose borders, but the result is more abortion, homosexuality, taxation, inflation, etc.
5) Christians who rightly despise abortion can vote for Donald Trump, while recognizing that both he and the GOP have significantly compromised on the protection of the unborn. However, Christians can also recognize that not voting in this upcoming election greatly increases Joe Biden’s chances of reelection, and Biden (or the puppet masters behind Biden) will import millions of more Democrat voters. The “message” Christians attempt to send to the GOP by withholding their vote “might” cause the GOP to provide a better candidate in 2028. However, after four more years of the current invasion of our borders, GOP voters will potentially have to compete against 10-20 million more Democrats voters so that their more ethical GOP presidential candidate is crushed in the 2028 election (a master class in how to be “beautiful losers”).
6) Christians can vote for Trump AND send a message to the GOP by simply being relentlessly outspoken about their disapproval with the compromise of Republicans. Withholding your vote is not the only avenue for “sending a message.”
*Lastly, Christians can do all of these things simultaneously. None of them are mutually exclusive."
Joel Webbon
If someone is citing a crazy, sexist, misogynist crazyman, I don't really care what they say. Fyi. Garbage in, garbage out.
Joel Webbon...
Webbon says: 'There are certain books that I've just had to say, 'Hey, I don't know if this is a bad book, but I don't have time to read it, and so you're not going to read it either. We'll read it together,'' he said.
'I remember recently my wife had a book and I saw her reading it on the couch, and it was about paedobaptism (the practice of baptizing children or infants. And I said, 'No, we're not doing that yet. We will become paedobaptists when I'm ready.''
Webbon believes that wives should not have any knowledge that he does not yet have, because God forbids that wives teach their husbands anything.
The pastor continued: 'But my wife's not going to be a paedobaptist for three years before I am, and I don't have time to read it right now. I know the arguments will be great. I will agree and disagree.
'I'm not sure which arguments are better, but for the time being, this is what I'm persuaded of and you're not going to outpace me.'
...'I believe that the sword has been given to men. The sword is—without being crude, I think this is a fact—it is a phallus. It is assigned by God to men.'
Webbon compared women to five-year-old children, explaining that 'She is like a child in the way that God has appointed men to protect them.
'Women are not supposed to be leading the way, they're to be protected.'
Moment Christian pastor's shocking beliefs on women are exposed
By Germania Rodriguez Poleo For Dailymail.Com
Published: 15:19 EDT, 24 June 2024 | Updated: 18:43 EDT, 24 June 2024
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A Christian pastor in Texas claims God does not want women to vote and Americans should be ruled by a religious dictator.
Joel Webbon, who leads the Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown and Right Response Ministries, is not shy about his conservative nationalist views, which he shares in his sermons and Theology Applied podcast.
When asked if he believes women should vote, he said he did not, before outlining his reasoning.
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'If we had a Christian nation and women could vote, then within 50 years we will no longer have a Christian nation,' Webbon said.
'God has not designed women for warfare, and that's part of what politics is. It's really all that politics is; it's war without the blood...
So, if this misogynist, "christian" "nationalist" thinks ANYthing about immigration, well, I truly don't care.
Crazy is as crazy does.
His racist comments here don't make him any less insane and immoral and just out of touch with reality.
That he places abortion (which the Bible doesn't mention at all) as a reason to vote for a moral reprobate and conman, but IGNORE the calls from Genesis to Revelation to be welcoming to immigrants doesn't make him any less biblically illiterate or rational.
This guy as a "source" is a non-starter and a very ugly representation of whoever might cite him.
"More ethical..."? Please.
"Invasion of the border..."? What tyrants say to scare the useful idiots into going along with their anti-human rights campaign.
Don't let irrational, unbiblical fearmongers frighten you away from doing the right thing. Be a better man.
Not a bad opinion. I would take issue with the idea that the GOP has compromised on abortion simply because the issue isn't front and center in their published platform. That alone doesn't suggest they won't act on behalf of the conceived. This should be emphasized in dealing with those who insist this compromise took place. All federal level offices are now limited by the Dobbs decision which put the issue back to the states to decide for themselves. All absolutists need to focus their attention on outlawing the heinous practice in their states, and if they so choose, donate to efforts in other states where absolutists seek to do the same. That's what I'll be doing.
At the same time, I reiterate that I believe the GOP should have still retained in their platform some expression of support for the conceived despite the issue being now a matter of state concern as opposed to federal.
Look, Dan goes immediately into ad hom attack mode. Not surprising. Dan's inability to stomach disagreement without digging for "dirt" is amazing. Especially when his "dirt" is personal preference stuff.
Of course, he's not a "source" of anything but one person's opinion of how Christians can logically conclude that voting for Trump can be an appropriate choice. Apparently Dan doesn't like choice anymore.
The problem with the GOP stand on abortion is that it's virtually indistinguishable from the DFL position. The GOP position is now a ban in the third trimester, while the DFL position is until birth. The child is viable in either case, and the distinction is shrinking. The bigger difference is that the GOP hasn't expelled those who disagree with the official position.
I've said before that Trump has given the pro-life constituency everything they wanted in the repeal of Roe, and by that measure has been the most pro-life president in recent history. Of course that was a pragmatic political calculation, not a deeply held belief, but the result is the same. The real question is, was the GOP pro-life plank EVER anything but a pragmatic political calculation, and now that Roe is gone is it as important.
I don't have a problem with the decision, as it reflects my conclusion that abortion should be a state issue and that goal has been achieved.
The concern now is that anyone would dump Trump because of his acquiescence to states' rights. It's absurd and as is commonly said, the issue won't improve with a Dem in charge. Abortion is just one of the issues which won't worsen by replacing as many Dem (and RINOs) with true conservatives, and as such, getting Trump elected is essential for the sake of ALL Americans...even the infanticidal.
It probably should be a concern, but the Trump campaign doesn't seem to worried about it. The Biden issue aside, it seems strange that Trump would risk losing the votes of people who supported him previously over something like this. He literally has nothing to lose by leaving an ambiguous plank in the platform which leaves the door open to some sort of national abortion policy. It's not like he can run again, or that his track record of fulfilling campaign promises is 100% or something.
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