Saturday, July 18, 2009

Stuff You Find

As I was going through some of my dad's papers the other day I came across a letter he sent to a client in 1979. It truly provided some much needed hilarity. I thought I would post it here for fun.

Dear Bob,

I know you are always looking for sound opportunities for investment.

I don't know if you would be interested in this, but I thought I would mention it to you because it could be a real "sleeper" in making a lot of money with very little investment.

A group of us are considering investing in a large cat ranch near Nogales City, Mexico. It is our purpose to start rather small, with about one million cats. Each cat averages about twelve kittens per year; each skin to be sold $.20 for the white ones and up to $.40 for the black. This will give us twelve million cat skins per year to sell at an average price of around$.32, making our revenue about three million dollars a year. This really averages out to ten thousand dollars a day excluding Sundays and holidays.

A good Mexican cat man can skin about 50 cats per day at a wage of $2.15 a day. It only takes 663 men to operate the ranch, so the net profit would be over eight thousand two hundred dollars per day.

Now the cats would be fed on rats exclusively. Rats multiply four times as fast as cats. We would start a rat ranch adjacent to our cat farm. If we start with a million rats we will have four rats per cat each day. The rats will be fed on the carcasses of the cats that we skin. This will give each cat a quarter of a cat. You can see by this that the buisness is a clean operation-self supporting and really automatic througout. The cats will eat the rats, and the rats will eat the cats, we get the skins.

Let me know if you are interested, as you can imagine, I am rather particular who I want to get into this, and want the fewest investors possible.

May I hear from you soon?

Yours truly,

Hope this is good for some laughs.

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