Tuesday, June 23, 2015


The tragedy in Charlston is lamentable and horrible beyond words.   I am in awe of the way the victims families are handling this whole ordeal.    Hope is that the God who created all things will come near to each of the family members and wrap them in His peace.  


Marshal Art said...

I hope this post calms Dan's frustration with conservative bloggers to some degree.

Craig said...

Me too. Maybe pointing out some helps also.

Craig said...


I suspect the reason more bloggers haven't written about this is that there is not controversy. Everyone is appalled at what happened and no one is defending the shooter. It's why none of the lefty blogs have spent any significant time on it either. If you're a blogger who just wants clicks there is nothing that will drive traffic, then there is no hook to drive traffic.

The one thing I am seeing is a lot of people, bloggers and otherwise focusing on the peripheral issues (gun control and the flag), neither of which offers any sort of solution, and (at least with the gun thing) it is simply a political strategy to divide people. Personally I can't get worked up about the flag thing. I understand it, and think it would be a good move for SC to take it down, but it really seems like one of those issues designed to get people worked up over nothing.

Of course, you have to laugh at how the flag this is biting Hillary in the ass though. I am loving the confederate flag campaign buttons, s well as the details about how the Bill did nothing about the state law mandating the flying of the flag as well as his lauding of Fullbright (a segregationist), once again the hypocrisy is stunningly apparent. Unfortunately there are too many folks like Dan who will vote for Hillary no matter how much stuff comes out about her, and no matter how good or qualified the GOP candidate is.

I just don't see why this alleged lack of conservative lament is even a thing.

Marshal Art said...

I agree. As to the flag deal, Selwyn Duke had a good column on the subject wherein he suggests that if removing it from government placement is a good idea now, it will be a good idea later, when emotions regarding the shootings aren't influencing the decision to do so.

On another note with regard to the flag, this is one case where there truly is little difference between parties, as both are trying to get out in front of the "ban the flag" narrative. I'd rather a right-winger demonstrate some true leadership by not getting sucked into this discussion and focusing instead on letting the mourning process play out without exploiting it politically. Dan's concern regarding what conservative bloggers are doing is just another example of this low class exploitation.

Craig said...

Objectively I agree. But this is one where the GOP can do what is probably the right thing in a way that doesn't get any more negative press than necessary. It's an election season and PR matters.