Monday, August 15, 2016

"Take that Sxxx to the suburbs! Burn that Sxxx down"

I haven't been to active here recently, but over the past week or so there have been a number of things that have gotten my interest.

1.  The disproportionate coverage of one single Muslim woman fencer and how she had to battle to find a sport that was consistent with her version of Islam as compared to the multiple athletes who professed their Christian faith.  This combined with the virtual blackout of coverage Kim Rhode who has won 5 Olympic medals over 5 Olympic games.   Any idea why Rhode might be getting minimal coverage?

2.  The lack of coverage of recent events up here in the people's republic regarding a mob of 20-30 Somali Muslim young men threatening residents of a Minneapolis neighborhood with rape.  The only coverage seems to be from local station KSTP ( See this page for a link to the story., with virtually no coverage beyond.   This would certainly make any rational person question the "religion of peace' propaganda, as well as the wisdom of unlimited immigration from Muslim majority countries.   The interesting thing is that this happened in the epicenter of a city, county, and state, run for years by white leftists.  These are the same folks who have brought their constituents a police department with a "systemic racism" problem, schools where black young people graduate at a rate of around 50% and aren't proficient at grade level material, as well as one of the most segregated cities in the country.  

3.  The  events in Milwaukee. 
      A.  The fact that the BLM folks couldn't be bothered to wait for the facts before they started rioting.
      B.  The fact that the body camera video apparently clearly shows the "victim", pointing a loaded gun at the officer as he fled.
      C.  The fact that the officer who did the shooting was not a vicious white racist pig.
      D.  The fact that the BLM folks have goon on a burning, looting, shooting spree which has left around 7 people shot, all by BLM folks (none by police).
      E.  The fact that when this "victim"'s sisters appealed for "peace", they really meant "...stop burning down black folks stuff and start burning down white folks stuff...".
      F.   The actual quote being "Burning down Sxxx ain't going to help nothin! "You're burning down Sxxx we need in our community.  Take that Sxxx to the suburbs! Burn that Sxxx down!".  
     G.  Given the picture of this gentle peaceful young scholar pointing a gun at the camera wearing clothing that might possibly indicate some sort of gang affiliation, it's likely that the left has jumped on the bandwagon of trying to make an example of someone who doesn't deserve it.

As I look at recent events surrounding police shootings; the Dallas ambush, the unlawful blocking of a highway and subsequent attack on St. Paul police officers, the siege of a police precinct in Minneapolis, etc,  I have to wonder how it is that people can't see the connection between the people (party) they overwhelmingly vote for and blindly follow and the type of government  that they've voted for. 

Oh, and Trump is still bumbling.  Hillary is still a horrible candidate.  

And it's apparently a horribly racist thing to suggest that Simone Biles birth mother was right in choosing to go against the trend in the African American community to abort it's children, instead choosing to give her up for adoption.

Personally, as an adopted child myself, I always appreciate it when one of us does something amazing.


Marshal Art said...

A great roundup. Can't wait to have the time to elaborate on I why I think so.

Craig said...

I didn't even include the fact the the governor of MN decided that he needed to evacuate his state provided mansion and cower in the St Paul hotel because of the BLM folks who camped out on/closed down the street.

Looking forward to your comments.

Stan said...

I was fascinated by the repeated headline of Korryn Gaines who was "the 9th black woman killed by police this year" around August 3rd. Scandalous! Of course, no one did the research to find out that in the same time period police have killed 23 white women. That's because white women don't matter. (You can only imagine how far that puts white males down the chain of "people who matter".)

Craig said...


The most obvious problem is that if one bases conclusions on what draws protests, that only a very small percentage of Black lives matter enough to get people riled up. Clearly the dozens of blacks killed on a weekly basis in Chicago don't matter, clearly the thousands killed by Planned Parenthood don't matter (or matter as much).

I also forgot to include the governor of the fine state of MN who passed judgement on the Castillo shooting before any evidence had been processed, encouraged demonstrators, allowed total flaunting of numerous laws by demonstrators, then fled to a luxury hotel in downtown St. Paul when BLM demonstrators started camping on the street where the governors mansion is.

I also didn't mention the BLM ST. Paul ringleader who thinks the best way to get meaningful change is to run against the only Black person in the state house of representatives in the DFL primary.


Stan said...

You know what they say. You can't remove by reason the convictions of those who reached them without it.

Craig said...

That's what happens when emotion, ratings, and advancing a narrative drive people.

Marshal Art said...

While I have a little time, point number one is typical of the leftist media. Just as they highlight alleged atrocities against muslims throughout the world, little is said about that which is perpetrated against Christians and Jews. I truly can't imagine why this is so.

But in this case, Rhode is a staunch and vocal supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, and understands why the Amendment exists in the first place. We simply can't have people hearing the truth. Far better to bore us with nonsense from someone who should exhibit far more gratitude for having been raised up in a country that has allowed her to achieve.

Marshal Art said...

With regard to #2, this is merely what has been predicted...that the welcoming of refugees brings with it the welcoming of the very problems from which the refugees flee. Europe knows full well the downside of opening their doors to those who have no intention of assimilating to become a true part of the host country to which they enter. Now, thanks to the Idiot-In-Chief, we will now get to experience first hand this hatred up close and personally.

Those who believe denying entry to those from muslim-majority nations (save those non-muslims whose lives are unmistakably endangered by those in power there) is somehow "un-American" lack the sense and/or honesty to admit what such policies are likely to bring about for their fellow Americans. To say they are fools is insulting to actual fool everywhere.

And here's what will come: If the authorities continue to play this game of political correctness, as if we need concern ourselves with insulting those who bring this horror to our shores, how long will it go on before actual American citizens have reached their limit and engage in vigilante-justice? How could they be blamed for doing so when the obvious is ignored or whitewashed by those concerned with their political position? God help us all if the situation escalates to that level. Should it happen, there will be no doubt as to who is responsible for setting the table.

Craig said...

You'll note that Dan has chosen to make a few random off topic comments on the other thread, while ignoring this (which challenges his preconceptions with evidence) one entirely.

Marshal Art said...

Regarding #3:

I have been visiting, the site of Steven Crowder. Recently, he presented a video of a traffic stop by a black woman who had kids in the car. She was recording the stop for her own purposes. While the recording showed that the cop was more than kind and courteous, she was belligerent and acting on some goofy concept wherein she does not participate in the laws of the land, does not recognize the public authorities (like the cop) and worst of all, was teaching her kids about how the cops are looking for excuses to kill them because they are black. It turns out that, according to what Crowder allegedly found, this woman, who was killed by a cop (I believe) after a later incident, was not married to the father of either kid in the car, as they both had different fathers, was living at the time with another man who had a police record, and was, by and large, a complete idiot. Her own child was wondering why she was being rude to the cop, as the child recognized that the cop was trying to be nice.

I bring this up to point out how there apparently is a real problem among some in the black community wherein they seem to go out of their way to perpetuate the false belief that they must constantly live in fear of white oppression, oppression by law enforcement and the gov't in general. This attitude is clearly manifest in the actions of those who riot at the mere hint of police brutality, even where it has not taken place.

I cannot imagine how hard it is for those among them who truly wish to live in peace without regard to skin color, when so many are determined to stoke the fires of racial hatred simply for profit of one kind or another. Conversely, it is equally hard to those of us who also share that same desire to watch as those flames seem never to be we wonder if we will ever truly get passed such superficial things.

A couple of visitors to my blog seem more than happy to be apologists for those of the black community who perpetuate the divide.

Craig said...

I'm happy to stipulate to the fact that racism exists and that some idiot cops have gone beyond their authority in dealing with black people. But it's harder to take this seriously when we see increasing numbers of incidents where the black person is intentionally trying to provoke an incident.

It's certainly becoming clearer that BLM and its apologists are increasingly willing to abandon MLK's vision (judged by character not color), and method (nonviolence) in order to advance their agenda. It's especially gratifying to see pacifists make excuses for the violence that seems to attach itself to BLM.