Friday, October 13, 2017

A reference to the questions Dan said he'd answer after I answeder one of his questions. I've now answered him twice. So far nothing on these.

In an effort to be helpful as the comment thread gets longer, these are the questions you said you'd answer.  I thought this might be easier than scrolling through so many comments.

So, are you suggesting that Jesus explicit commandments need to be redefined, or modified, or clarified by filtering the explicit through some amorphous, undefined “way” that only you seem to understand?

Does that mean that you’re not going to clarify your opinions on “creation”?

Again, a clarification, when you said “ God IS NOT MAKING RULES. Period.End of discussion.”, we’re you planning to offer proof of this claim? Could we expect that proof when you explain your opinions on “creation”?


Dan Trabue said...

So, are you suggesting that Jesus explicit commandments need to be redefined, or modified, or clarified by filtering the explicit through some amorphous, undefined “way” that only you seem to understand?

Answered at my blog. Copied and pasted here:

You interpret Jesus in the ways that make sense to you, I interpret Jesus in ways that make sense to me. But yes, I'm saying that we need to strive to understand Jesus aright.

Does that mean that you’re not going to clarify your opinions on “creation”?

Answered at my blog. Sorry you aren't able to understand. Don't know how to help you.

Again, a clarification, when you said “ God IS NOT MAKING RULES. Period.End of discussion.”, we’re you planning to offer proof of this claim? Could we expect that proof when you explain your opinions on “creation”?

That question was answered in the original comment IN THE VERY NEXT SENTENCE where I explained precisely what my point was...

God has not come down to Craig and said, "Here's precisely what I want you to do, steps 1, 2 and 3..."

That is a fact claim. Now, if you have evidence to prove my actual fact claim wrong, by all means, provide it. I'm unaware of any data to support a claim that God has appeared to you (or anyone, other than Joseph Smith of Mormon fame, and we both doubt his claims, I imagine) and given you a specific rule list.

Prove me wrong.

Craig said...

Yes, your original “God is not making rules. Period. End of discussion.” Is a most emphatic fact claim. As such, you’d need to prove that.

You’re right that your second claim is also a fact claim. It’s a fact claim made by YOU, and needs to be proven by you.

As to the responses you mentioned, neither really answered the question that was asked. Especially since your “clarification” raised more questions than it answered.

But, I’ll admit that you responded, so that’s something.

Marshal Art said...

"God has not come down to Craig and said, "Here's precisely what I want you to do, steps 1, 2 and 3..."

Of course, God has no need to do such a thing, and we have no excuse given that what He expects of us is clearly revealed in Scripture. Thus, unless one needs to pretend it's difficult or mysterious to understand...or whatever argument one wishes to put forth to continue engaging in that which is forbidden...we have all we need to know.

Craig said...

You’ve gotta love the “misrepresent what other people say and close the comments” strategy.