Wednesday, December 20, 2017


According to Diane Feinstein Made the claim that the new tax bill and is the worst piece of legislation that has ever come before the house of representatives. Given the fact that the house of representatives passed a fugitive slave law in 1850, I find this claim a little hard to swallow.


Marshal Art said...

Given the fact that the house of representatives passed ACA during the Obama years, I find this claim VERY hard to swallow.

Craig said...

I thought about that, but clearly the fugitive slave law is worse than a tax cut to everyone but Feinstein. Or she has no concept of history. Or she’s just not that smart.

Stan said...

Who are you going to believe ... the far Left liberal senator from California with a clearly pure political agenda or your own rational logic? Sheesh!

Craig said...

That’s a really good question, I’ll have to give it some thought. Maybe there’s someone who writes a blog, who’s opinions I could uncritically accept.

It’s all just too much.