Wednesday, February 14, 2018

It’s always interesting

It’s fascinating to watch leftists get on their high horses and make sweeping unsupported claims about poor policy decisions.    Writing off ignorance of the actions of those they support as a goof.   All the while choosing to ignore the evidence that their preferred candidate was engaged in the very activities they now decry, not out of a poorly calculated government policy, but out of a desire to enrich themselves and their associates at the expense of the poor.

It’s almost as amusing a remembering their silence when the US (under their side) actively manipulated, or attempted, elections in at least two countries in contrast to the screeching about the Russian efforts to “hack” the last US election.

I’m not suggesting that the left is alone in this hypocritical inconsistency, just that it’s amusing to watch.

Which brings up in interesting question, is this line of thinking designed to assign responsibility to the individual voter for actions taken by the candidates they vote for.  

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