A few years ago when “gay marriage” was on the ballot here, a famous nightclub put up a billboard that parroted the “You can’t control who you love” party line. Around the same time, a blogger asserted that “marriage equity for all” was his goal. Yet, when pressed, its clear that these folks on the political left don’t really mean what they say. They always have exceptions for “all”. Yet, the same arguments used for “gay marriage” also work for any number of other loving relationships.
At the time, folks on the political right were suggesting that “gay marriage” was only the first step towards normalization of other sexual attractions. While those on the left said “Foul, slippery slope logical fallacy”.
Yet, as we see pedophilia being spoken of in academic settings as just one more “sexual preference”, the wholesale denial of biology as it relates to gender, and leftist political parties in Europe, and the UN, working to protect child marriage, one wonders when the slippery slope moves from fallacy to reality.
We see vociferous criticism of child marriage or slavery when our 21st century mores are retroactively applied to Olt Testament stories, yet silence about those things happening in the present.
I suspect that some of the silence is related to the popular leftist narratives regarding certain cultures and the all around wonderful nature of multiculturalism without questions.
Like many things, it just makes you wonder.
Father, we call Thee Father because we love Thee. We are glad to be called Thy children, and to dedicate our lives to the service that extends through willing hearts and hands to the betterment of all mankind [humankind]. We send a cry of Thanksgiving for people of all races, creeds, classes, and colors the world over, and pray that through the instrumentality of our lives the spirit of peace, joy, fellowship, and brotherhood [personhood] shall circle the world. We know that this world is filled with discordant notes, but help us, Father, to so unite our efforts that we may all join in one harmonious symphony for peace and brotherhood [personhood], justice, and equality of opportunity for all men [people]. The tasks performed today with forgiveness for all our errors, we dedicate, dear Lord, to Thee. Grant us strength and courage and faith and humility sufficient for the tasks assigned to us.