Friday, October 4, 2019


We've all seen the video by now.  The brother of a murdered man forgiving and embracing the woman who killed him and expressing a desire that she find Jesus.

The initial response was that this guy was amazing.  Much like the Amish community that forgave the man who killed a number of their children, this guy was truly demonstrating God's love and forgiveness to a woman who had wronged him greatly.

But hold on.  The woke, progressive, liberal, christians, just couldn't let this outrage stand.   This guy, who was presumably acting from the best of motives.  Who was expressing his grief in a way that was his.  (As someone who's lost a lot of family members recently, I've come to appreciate the importance of not criticizing how others grieve or react to tragedy.)  Is now the target of all sorts of attacks.   It's been turned into a racial issue, a religious issue, a justice issue, and all sorts of things.

What it hasn't been, from those on the left, is an issue of comforting of someone in grief.   Of allowing one individual to express his sorrow, loss, and grief, in his own way.

For a bunch of folx who claim to be inclusive, tolerant, loving, etc, y'all sure screwed this one up. 



The FFRF apparently feels that this was so horrible that the court record must not be stained with the taint of anything that remotely offends their sense of propriety.



Dan Trabue said...

Unless you're reading some other story, I can't find anything about the FFRF condemning the forgiveness by the brother. What they filed a complaint about is the judge handing out a bible and giving specifically Christian instructions to the officer/murderer.

It really would help if you'd identify whatever in the hell you're talking about instead of making vague allegations that, at least in this case, appear to be falsely made.

Craig said...

The fact that you’ve gotten yourself worked up over a nitpicky detail in an afterthought, tells me pretty much all I need to know.

If there’s more accurate information out there I’ll change the post to account for that.

Heaven forbid that in a courtroom, where witnesses are historically sworn in with one hand on a Bible, we’d allow the mention of anything remotely Christian to pollute the proceedings.

Craig said...

While I doubt it would ever cross your mind, but isn’t it just possible that it was a shot at the thin skin of the FRF who’s ears are to dainty to bear the mention on anything that even remotely smacks of Christianity?

But to calm your hurt feelings I’ll make the edit.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "The woke, progressive, liberal, christians, just couldn't let this outrage stand."

I'm not aware of this. Can you cite some source to support this claim? Or are you just making s*** up?

That's what I'm saying. When you make vague claims, you sound like a weasel and a liar. You sound like a trump sort of guy, in spite of you, in theory, not supporting him. You clearly support his ways.

This is exactly the sort of slander, gossip, and lies that Trump engages in. It is exactly the sort of slander, gossip, lies that're not part of the realm of God.

Support your claim or remove it.

Craig said...

Your last sentence almost made me drop my phone in laughter.

You haven’t supported a claim you’ve made in the last few months, and you’ve certainly never removed a claim that’s been questioned.

Craig said...

“To all my white friends,

I love you. But if you didn’t post about Botham’s trial until Brandt hugged Amber and shown forgiveness, then know that your silence beforehand can communicate to your Black friends that you weren’t concerned about justice for Botham, only forgiveness for Amber. His forgiveness is honorable and Christ-like and is worth noting. But at the cross, there is no forgiveness without justice. I don’t want to assume motives or that you weren’t concerned about justice. I know some of you are. But just be sensitive to what that communicates.

On another note: Don’t hijack Christianity to highlight forgiveness without the presence of justice. To have one without the other is a powerless gospel and insufficient salvation. It is Christ-like to both give forgiveness and pursue justice. But don’t use forgiveness as an excuse to not pursue justice.

P.S. Highlighting the forgiveness is not wrong. But don’t highlight the forgiveness without showing concern about Botham & his family, and what this 10 year sentence means for other Black men and women.”

Jahmaol Clark

Dan, I’ll give you one example. But as usual calling me a liar and your usual crap isn’t a good strategy to get me to do the work your too lazy and unmotivated to do.

These are your folx, the folx you identify with, if you aren’t paying attention that’s not my problem.

Just stop demanding others do what you won’t. It makes you look like a coward.

Craig said...

“Some of the same folk celebrating this tremendous act of forgiveness are ardent supporters of the death penalty, especially when the victim is white and the perpetrator is Black or Brown.

We see you.

#Resist #StayWoke”

“There is a long tradition in this nation of white people weaponizing Black forgiveness in order to escape accountability and to ease their consciousness. Pay attention.

#Resist #StayWoke”

“Some of the same folk celebrating this tremendous act of forgiveness are ardent supporters of the death penalty, especially when the victim is white and the perpetrator is Black or Brown.

We see you.

#Resist #StayWoke”

Michael Waters

That’s enough to demonstrate that you’re full of crap.

Stan said...

I don't know, Craig. The side complaining about the whole "forgiveness" and "she gave a Bible away" stuff sounds very judgmental. I'm just sayin'.

Craig said...

Doesn’t sound particularly inclusive either.

Craig said...

One thing I’ve realized as I peruse social media. When white people tell everyone that we need to listen to “Black people”, they really don’t mean it. They mean that you need to listen to the “black people” who they approve of. The “black people” who say the things they agree with them,

When I hear “black people” complain about the “liberal plantation”, I’m getting a sense of what they mean.

Marshal Art said...

"But just be sensitive to what that communicates."

Sounds like something Dan likes to say. The reality is that I'm quite sensitive to what people like this choose to infer.

"“Some of the same folk celebrating this tremendous act of forgiveness are ardent supporters of the death penalty, especially when the victim is white and the perpetrator is Black or Brown."

Punishment isn't dictated by the personal feelings of the victims, even when it is sometimes lessened or confirmed. Civil penalties for law breaking has nothing to do with personal expressions of forgiveness.