Monday, November 11, 2019


I’m not necessarily a Kamala Harris supporter, but I keep seeing headlines that her campaign is failing because of some combination of racism and sexism from the voters.

Or, to put it another way, DFL primary voters are too racist and/or sexist to support a black woman.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the front runners are all old, rich, and white.

Well, y’all got one Hispanic to drop out and cut another from the debate.  Just getting whiter and older.


Dan Trabue said...

I'm a Harris supporter, myself. But many many African Americans prefer Biden, according to polls. Go figure. I would imagine if we have a white person in the president role, hopefully we would have a racial minority in the vice president role.

What it comes down to for a lot of people is we all recognize how truly awful and dangerous Trump is and more than anything else, we need someone to defeat him.

Marshal Art said...

There's no one running as a Democrat who can defeat Trump. The only way Trump will be defeated is if there are enough idiots like Dan who falsely believe, without legitimate basis, Trump is "truly awful and dangerous" and enough of them vote for one of the bozos in the Democratic clown car, while foolish center-right voters again sit out the election because Trump isn't "presidential" and used to whore around.

But on policy, ideology and the like, one Dem is as goofy and "truly awful and dangerous" as the other. They all back that which is harmful for the economy and worse, the culture. It seems strange to some to hear this truth, but a womanizing Trump...who so far as we can tell has not engaged in such behavior while in office...hasn't promoted the type of cultural rot now so unanimously favored by the left in this nation. You want "dangerous"? Vote for a Democrat.

Marshal Art said...

As to the post, it certainly indicates just how stupid the Dems are, when someone like Harris can disparage so many who might otherwise support her, by calling them racist and misogynistic. It would all be nothing more than great comedy if not for the fact that a significant number of American voters actually support any of the Dem candidates at all.

Craig said...

This is priceless. The idea that deciding who to vote for based in n race is beyond belief.

It’s good to know that your hatred of Trump goes so deep that you’re willing to embrace racism (based on the stories I’ve seen, not my opinion) to best Trump,

You do realize that you’ve just used the exact same reason to vote for an old, rich, white person, that Art has for voting for Trump.

As we’ve seen in VA, and in the blanket support of Trudeau, the DFL is perfectly willing to silently support racists if it moves the agenda forward,

Dan Trabue said...

You don't understand racism. What I've said is not racism nor do I embrace racism.

Standing up to racists like Trump and his allies (including actual KKK and White Nationalist types - YOUR people, not mine) is not racism. Hoping to see a black president as a matter of justice and equity (i.e., FINALLY seeing some beginning of addressing the centuries of actual racism) is NOT racism.

Wanting to see Harris elected because it would be cool to get a qualified woman and a qualified person of color in office is NOT racism.

Saying "I don't like White Male candidates so we should never elect one." THAT is racism, but that's not what I am doing.

FYI: I should probably not have said it as I know you all have such a tremendously hard time understanding words and especially nuanced words, but my "go figure" comment was an ironic bid to the point that black folks are not one monolithic group and that they make up their own minds, OF COURSE, for their own reasons. Not that I would assume that black folk would only vote for place candidates.

But since you all can't understand straightforward comments, I should know better than think that you would understand sarcasm.

Marshal Art said...

"You do realize that you’ve just used the exact same reason to vote for an old, rich, white person, that Art has for voting for Trump."


Craig said...


I do agree that the DFL is blowing a great chance to win in 2020. Starting with not learning from the GOP mistake in 2016, too many candidates. If the DFL could find a candidate with the policy positions of JFK ,Truman, or even Bill Clinton, without the character flaws of the last two they could win in a landslide. Remember the good old days when “It’s the economy, stupid.” was their slogan? I think that if Trump wins, the DFL will get a lot of the credit.

Craig said...


Your reason to vote for Trump is that the alternative would be worse. Dan has just articulated that exact same reasons for voting for whatever rich, old, white person the DFL trots out.

I guess he’s lost any standing to criticize you.

Craig said...


Your exact words were, “ hopefully we will have a racial minority”.

The problem isn’t the nuance in your position, it’s that your very words place primary importance on the race of the VP.

The the fact that you had to write a comment where you make excuses for, and add qualifiers to what you said simply makes my point.

Had you simply said you’d expressed yourself poorly, and moved on, no big deal. But when you double down...

What I’m finding worth watching is that we’re seeing polling that shows up to 20% of the black vote going to Trump, and the small but growing blexit movement. It’s obviously to early to predict black voting patters, but if Trump doubled the percentage of black votes that would be noteworthy.

As for the blexit movement, I’m amazed at how many allegedly tolerant liberals will call out these people as “Uncle Tom” or “house n*****”, or various other racist epithets. Much like the VA and Trudeau racism is ignored.

But back to the point of the post.

If, it’s true that KH is going to lose the DFL primaries because of racism/sexism, then it’s safe to say that the isms can’t be blamed on the GOP.

The question becomes, will the DFL own their racism or will the DFL make excuses and ignore it?

Craig said...

Of the DFL candidates that I've heard so far, Andrew Yang is probably the most likely to appeal to people other than the base of the party, (I'm differentiating appeal to, rather than the simply voting against Trump) Klobuchar also has some of that possible crossover appeal. Yet Yang is polling at around 3% and Amy is polling around 2%.

There are a some theoretical conclusions to be drawn from these numbers.

1. It's more ammunition for the DFL is racist/sexist crowd.
2. Yang is an ethnic minority, but he isn't one of the "right" ethnic minorities.
3. The DFL is all about old, rich, white people.
4. The DFL doesn't really have any desire to appeal to anyone except their base and the left fringe.
5. The DFL isn't interested in "new blood".
6. Warren is the token minority female and KH is just SOL.

At this point, much of this speculation is pointless. Although it is interesting to note that the party that claims to be inclusive, to want to appeal to those of a "racial minority", that has consistently criticized the nomination of rich old white people, has literally put every single candidate of color or who's a minority in the back of the polling bus.

I'm torn, because I'd love to see trump replaced with someone who will build on the good things he's done without his baggage, but it's going to be amusing to watch the DFL rip it's candidates to shreds in the rush to out progressive the others. The next year is going to be one of the worst presidential campaign seasons of recent history, for those of us who aren't at the extremes its' going to be miserable. So, I'll have to take my amusement where I can.

Craig said...

Somehow pointing out the reality that people are blaming the failure of KH's campaign on racism/sexism in the DFL, and the reality that the candidates above her in the polls are all white (3/4 are old and rich as well), makes me the one with a problem. Since the only people involved in what's being called racist are members of the DFL (really the base), it seems reasonable to conclude that the DFL is more racist/sexist than they'd like to admit.

Craig said...

Y'know. It's also possible that the fact that the only possible reason why certain people ca conjure up for the failure of a POC is racism, is indicative of a bigger problem with the political left. Because there couldn't be any possible way to explain the dismal failure of KH's campaign than racism, is there?

Maybe the problem is folx who blame everything on racism.

Craig said...

When I look at all the various forms of social media, and I see how people on the left respond to those with whom they disagree, I wonder what they’re trying to accomplish.

For example, what is gained by calling a 17 year old black conservative a “house nigger”? Is that really intended as a way to persuade?

Or referring to a white woman as a “cunt” repeatedly and wishing that her children get raped or killed.

Let alone the rhetoric from elected officials and leftist media.

It’s almost like they aren’t trying to win elections, they’re trying to literally destroy those they disagree with.

It’s so wonderful to see what passes for love and tolerance on the left.

Marshal Art said...

While I do admit that my vote for Trump was a serious and actual strategy to block the possible elevation of Clinton, I could...and did...also have his campaign promises in my bag of reasons for voting for him. I admitted his character was an issue for me, but that he was the lesser of two evils. What would I have done had a moral, ethical and likeable Democrat opposed Trump at that time? I would have voted for Trump because of his policies and again, to block the elevation of another Democrat whose policies, despite his character and charm, would have been harmful to the nation as were Obama's. There is really always a bit of "I don't want the other guy" that is implicit in ever "I want THIS guy".

So the difference between me and Dan and other lefties, is that I can point to policies, argue effectively as to their superiority and that stands regardless of the character of the candidate I support. Dan and other lefties simply cannot because their arguments will run into Constitutional/found father complications.

Just wanted to clear that up. You comment had the feel of moral relativism when saying Dan's doing what I was doing. I know you meant no ill will, but I felt compelled anyway.

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...


I'm not suggesting that you didn't have other reasons to vote for Trump beyond him being a better choice than Clinton. I'm pointing out that it's just one more example of Dan's hypocrisy to say that he'll vote for whoever the DFL nominee is because "they'll be better than Trump". I'm pointing out that if the "lesser of two evils" vote is rational on one side of the aisle, it's rational on both.

Marshal Art said...

"Standing up to racists like Trump and his allies..."

Falsely accusing Trump and his allies of being racists is racist. It is using the accusation to divide for the purpose of drawing support from a specific demographic of specific racial characteristics. It's also just wrong to lie about people as Dan is doing by accusing Trump of being a racist.

"Hoping to see a black president as a matter of justice and equity (i.e., FINALLY seeing some beginning of addressing the centuries of actual racism) is NOT racism."

Actually, it is. Any reference to the color of a candidate as being of any relevance or basis for voting for the candidate...or just for hoping he racism. That's a far cry from insisting the color or sex of a candidate doesn't matter, for if it truly doesn't, then any hope that a minority or woman wins someday is indeed thinking along racial/sex lines. The ONLY hope one should have for elected officials is that they are competent, intelligent and honest, among other similar character traits. Moral, hard-working are other examples.

"Wanting to see Harris elected because it would be cool to get a qualified woman and a qualified person of color in office is NOT racism."

It absolutely is, especially because "qualified" is something you only assume or assert about the woman. It's not something you can defend as true. Her performance running for president alone belies that assertion.

What would truly be "cool" would be no one ever again thinking it would be cool to have a president who is a minority or a woman, but only focusing on ability. I don't give a flying rat's ass if we ever again have a president who ISN'T a black woman, so long as every black woman president we have is competent, conservative, America-loving and a constitution-loving.

"I would imagine if we have a white person in the president role, hopefully we would have a racial minority in the vice president role."

This is racism. To pretend that there is some real benefit to our nation that a public official is one race or gender over any other, that "our government should reflect the racial/gender/minority makeup of the nation" is absurd. It flies in the face of the traditional notion of America as a melting pot. As we see with Trump, government should only think in terms of "Americans". But the left divides.

"What it comes down to for a lot of people is we all recognize how truly awful and dangerous Trump is..."

What it comes down to is that for a lot of people like you, demonizing without just cause is essential to gaining and maintaining power in the country. Trump is a danger to YOU pathetic reprobates. Thus far he's been quite the wonder for America as the founders envisioned it. The left hates that.

Craig said...

It would probably be pointless to note that there doesn't seem to be any evidence of Trump actually saying racist things, enacting policies that are racist, or any of the allegations being made. As always, if there is something I'm missing, please show me.