Thursday, March 25, 2021

 I was going back through my posts from 2020, and 2019, looking for something that is appropriate for the current thread, I haven't found it yet, but I did learn a couple of things.

1.  I wrote much more that I thought I did about morality, especially a post which examined multiple moral systems and how Dan's wasn't there.  It's safe to say that if Dan has questions about my stance on morality, the information is avaliable for him to find.

 2.  I was shocked at how often and extensively I posted Dan's actual words in context, and how frequently I did so.  

 3.  I was surprised at how frequently my posts contained in context quotes from people of multiple stripes, links to those quotes, and links to support my opinions.




Dan Trabue said...

No doubt, you'll often quote my words, copy and paste.

And then proceed to say, "So, you're saying..." and get what I'm saying EXACTLY wrong. Oftentimes completely opposite of what I'm saying.

It doesn't help you to quote the words if your interpretation of them is backwards.

It's true of the Bible and it's true of my words.

You'd think that this realization (that you so very often misunderstand my words, written today in English coming from the same culture) would humble you a bit when it comes to reading and interpreting the words of an ancient text, written long ago in multiple different cultures and different languages.

You'd think...

Craig said...

Strangely enough, just one more accusation, without a shred of evidence.

Of course this ignores the reality that by extensively quoting you in context, I allow anyone the opportunity to make their own analysis and judge accordingly. It's a little more time consuming, and opens me up to criticism, but at least I don't just make shit up, put quotes around it and attribute the words to you.

Craig said...

I guess the fact that you rarely extensively quote others, in context, and frequently delete comments after you "summarize" them is lost on you.

Craig said...
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Craig said...
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Craig said...
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Marshal Art said...

Dan continues to indict us for the conclusions his words compel. He simply can't bear to hear himself accurately read back to him. At some point a bit if self-awareness is in order, at least to understand one's inability to properly and coherently express one's self. The problem is not in the many over the years who have continually come to those same conclusions.

Craig said...

That's why I so generously quote him, and why I put as much context around his quotes as I can. I feel confident that many fair minded readers (many more that actually read this blog), would reads Dan's words and respond as I have. I'm, of course, welcome to anyone (including Dan) who wants to link my specific words to what I've responded to and show me that I'm incorrect. It's certainly happened before, and it'll certainly happen again. I've actually written entire posts where I've pointed out my errors and apologized for them. You know, just like Dan does.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig made this stupidly false accusation, with no support.

"I guess the fact that you rarely extensively quote others, in context, and frequently delete comments after you "summarize" them is lost on you."

I'm guessing that the fact is that I quote you all, correctly and in context, at least as frequently as you do. But you can believe this if you want to.

The facts are these: You tend to Quote me (good so far), then misread, misinterpret what I have actually said to mean something else, and thus, get it all wrong.

Much like you probably do with the Bible.

The thing you'll have to remember is that I'm the one saying what I'm saying, I'm the one who KNOWS what I meant and YOU are the one who factually misunderstands me, NOT because I said what you THINK I said, but because you insist on adding meaning to my words that are not in the words.

Them's the facts. Hope that helps.

Craig said...

The fact that Dan can make this claim with a straight face and absolutely zero evidence, is denying the reality that he frequently deletes quotes then tries to pass paraphrases off as quotes (hell he's done it in the Evolution thread at least twice), not to mention his simply inventing bullshit "claims" and attributing them to others, means that I'll just leave this here to age poorly.

Y'all ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf? Well how about the boy who cried "false"?