Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Who would have thought 

What an absolute shocking revelation.  A "trans woman" gets "herself" sent to a women's prison and promptly starts having sex with the women prisoners.  Who could have foreseen this?   What could possibly be bad about women getting pregnant in prison?  Will the state pay for abortions?  Does the state have any responsibility to prevent this?  Why should taxpayers bear these additional (preventable) costs? Can someone please explain how one "woman" can impregnate another "woman"?  

It's all good. 


Marshal Art said...

The abuse of the term "self-evident" is common around here to defend the indefensible. But here is a case were a problem was indeed so, as well as proven true some time ago. I recall those who saw no potential for negative consequences in mixing the sexes in the military. Women sailors becoming pregnant while on ships at sea was regarded as an irrational concern by feminists and other leftists. The left never learns.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

These fake "women" are given access to real women in very school and college restroom/locker room and it's amazing that there haven't been hundreds of assaults -- at least reported ones. I wonder how many go unreported.

Only fools and sexual anarchists allow this ungodly stuff.