Thursday, March 23, 2023

Interesting take.

 "If you believe that salvation is all your choosing, have the courage and conviction to stand before God and tell Him you would like to pause from thanking Him, and thank yourself. "

Derek Thomas

I hear a lot of christians who sound like they are confident enough to stand before YHWH and tell Him how good they were and how much they deserve His blessing.  I suspect that their encounter with YHWH isn't going to go the way they think it will. 


Marshal Art said...

I'm hoping to get in under the radar. I won't be able to look Him in the eye. Scares the hell out of pun intended.

Craig said...

It's interesting that every time scripture records an interaction with a heavenly being, the response is always abject terror, yet so many think that they'll be able to set YHWH straight if given the chance.