Monday, April 24, 2023


 There's a video at Townhall of Biden saying that "There is no such thing as somebody else's children.  They're all our children.".

There might be some context or spin that makes this sound less like Biden believes that our children actually belong to the federal government, but it sure seems like that's what he's saying.

"What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

Christopher Hitchens

"If someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings, I say "I'm still waiting to hear what your point is.  In this country I've been told, 'That's offensive' as if those two words constitute an argument or a comment"

Christopher Hitchens

There's been extensive coverage in the media of the black young man wounded in KC recently.   Strangely enough, the shooting deaths of 4 children and the wounding of 32 others in A, doesn't seem to have gotten nearly as much interest.   I wonder what could possibly explain this disparity?   Surely 4 dead and 32 wounded is significantly worse that one person with wounds that were never life threatening, isn't it?

CNN did this extensive story on an ex deputy who had had absolutely no wrongdoing proven, and absolutely zero evidence that he's actually done anything wrong.   Yet, you wouldn't know that there is absolutely no evidence of the crimes alleged, until the very end of the story.   It's an interesting approach, it seems unlikely that the deputy would bring legal action against CNN, because he would need to be deposed as part of the discovery process.   If you've never been deposed, you probably wouldn't understand why he's reluctant to do so.  

Groups of black youths in Chicago, as part of the "Teen Takeover" caught on video engaging in an unprovoked attack against a white woman, what are the odds that any of them will ever be identified or face charges.  Hell, the new mayor was all over making excuses to excuse this weekend of rioting.   


Marshal Art said...

Story by story...mostly:

1. This harkens back to Hillary Clinton's perversion of the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child". The left doesn't promote the truth of that concept...that we are all obliged to watch out for the children of our neighbors, helping to guide them when they act like little asshats. The left wants to supplant adults, as we see every time some jurisdiction dares prevent parents from guiding their own kids away from LGBT lies, such as "transitioning" to the other sex.

When I hear stories like this, I think of the billions of lefty morons who pretend it's conservatives...religious or just political...who are the fascistic tyrants. No one interferes negatively with personal lives as do the leftists. That's a fact not a one of them could prove false.

2. Well, all one need do is view news reports of the shooters to understand why. In the first story, an old white dude shot a black kid. In the second, young black men shot black people. The leftist media doesn't care about blacks getting shot and/or killed if it isn't a white guy or a cop doing the shooting.

3. Never been deposed. Don't know what you mean.

4. I hope the woman attacked by these hungry, frustrated-at-the-lack-of-opportunity black kids didn't vote for the new mayor. That would suck.

Craig said...


Nancy Pearcey wrote about the movement to dissolve the biological connection between parents and their children, a while back. We are clearly moving toward a point when all children will be wards of the state and parents have no role in raising their children at all.

FYI, Dan tried to use the "village" quote as an attempt to support his hunches about the early church.

Obviously there is a narrative being pushed and the AL shooting doesn't help the narrative so it gets minimized and ignored as much as possible.

In a deposition, the opposing attorney has the ability to ask questions about anything no matter whether it's related to the case or not. There are no rules of evidence, no burden of proof, and minimal protections for the one being deposed. I've been deposed a few times, and it is incredibly intrusive and intimidating. I can completely understand why a LEO would be unwilling to open themselves up to questions about every single aspect of their career, when the intent is to dig up dirt regardless of relevance.

It sucks, but it's likely that CNN is going to get away with what amounts to libel/slander/character assassination. I read the article and it's impossible for any reasonable person to get past the conclusion that CNN is desperately trying to accuse this guy of two murders.

Marshal Art said...

Wow. Glad I've never been deposed. With your info in mind, I'd consider telling them all manner of absolute and obvious bullshit. It wouldn't go well for me, but imagine the fun.

Craig said...

It would be fun, but if they bring it up at trial, you'll be in a heap of trouble. Give the fact that even the best cops will get complaints foiled against them, I would be exceedingly reluctant (as a cop) to sit for a deposition. Unfortunately, it's a powerful deterrent in a case like this. I think it's very obvious that CNN has defamed this guy and they're likely to get away with it.

Craig said...

"Right? You're not trying to claim being LGBTQ is not natural, in spite of reality, are you?"

If your argument is that anything that is "natural" is a positive thing, then I guess you could make that case. It's strange that the pro homosexual folks have spent years making the argument that "loving, monogamous, etc" weren't what scripture was talking about, but now you're arguing that homosexuality is "natural"/good because bulls exert their dominance by mounting other bulls. Hell, my beagle used to mount the leg of virtually everyone who came into our house, which makes that "natural", I don't think that you're advocating that as good behavior for humans.

"2. It is 100% normal for straight people to be attracted to the opposite gender. Right?

AND, likewise, it's 100% normal or the norm for gay folks to be attracted to the same gender. Right?"

While that might be true, I doesn't demonstrate that homosexuality is a good thing.

"Why should a minority group be defined by the majority?"

Well, because the majority is usually the group that is in control. Why should the minority be able to impose their will on the majority?

"It's an irrational claim, even if you mean the norm instead of normal."

Impressive. It's now irrational to note the reality the homosexuals represent a tiny minority.

Marshal Art said...

"AND, likewise, it's 100% normal or the norm for gay folks to be attracted to the same gender. Right?"

Wrong. It's 100% abnormal for a person to be "gay". What abnormally oriented people find attractive is the manifestation of their abnormality. Jeez. Dan will say anything to legitimize the abominable!!

"Norm, normal, normative"

Dan playing semantic games with truth. There's no way to pretend, but Dan will lie about it anyway.