Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 In 2021 the Biden Administration oversaw a transition in how national crime statistics are reported.   Essentially making reporting to the FBI voluntary for states and cities.   Now the administrations claims that violent crime is nearly at a 50 year low.  I could be wrong, but it seems like making claims like this after such a major transition ignores the possibility that this apparent change is due to less crimes being reported, rather than less crimes being committed.   At a minimum, it seems as though this should be checked out to determine if a difference in reporting is the cause of this seeming reduction. 


Marshal Art said...

And of course, altering what's considered felony theft, or felony assaults make a difference, too. The whole idea that these types of changes, including reporting changes, serves the public in any way is just another reason why voting Democrat is moronic.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Bring in the journalists and researchers.


Craig said...

Dan, given the MSM and it's embrace of the completely false narrative regarding the wholesale slaughter of "unarmed black males" by the police, I'm not sure journalists are the answer. Although journalists who'll not knuckle under to the Biden administration, ask hard questions, and commit to follow ups can certainly be helpful.

I fail to see how journalists who meekly accept the WH claim without asking questions about methodology and reporting help at all. I fail to see how those journalists who fail to hold Pierre's feet to the fire when she throws this sort of bullshit out and isn't able to prove her claims, is helping. But, I'm sure that you learned way more in a couple of years in JUCO about journalism, than I did getting my BA in it.

Likewise, researchers aren't helpful if the data they are given is crap. It's entirely possible that the previous system of reporting was flawed, but once a change is made, making these apples/oranges comparisons is foolish. We have no idea how many incidents are not being reported or being reported differently under the new method. If I'd expect anything from researchers it would be for them to stand up and call BS on this comparison. If they're not, then they're part of the problem.

So, without the bullshit venerating journalists and researchers, it's good to see you agree that Pierre's claims are obviously bullshit and should be retracted.

Craig said...


I agree that making significant changes in reporting and then comparing old v. new is completely worthless. Especially when you add in the fact that Soros DA's are downgrading charges left and right, and refusing to prosecute many offenders.

Marshal Art said...

Note how Alvin Bragg and Letitia James are more concerned with trying to put an innocent former president in jail while crime abounds around them.

Craig said...

Noted. The hypocrisy inherent in their reign is massive and blatant.