Monday, October 14, 2024

Harris is an Idiot, and Other Stuff

Harris plagiarized sections of her book on criminal justice (ironic that theft is a crime), from Wikipedia and this doesn't seem to bother her rabid supporters.    The fact that she was so lazy as to plagiarize from Wikipedia, just makes it worse.

That so many people are so committed to believing these hoaxed perpetrated by the MSM when they've been dis proven for so long, shows a high level commitment to slavishly believing whatever they are told as long as it comes from the approved sources.


"My experience in conversation with narcissists is that generally they talk about themselves and don’t ask outbound questions. They are almost never interested in your life or what you think. The Trump I’ve seen in longform podcasts comes across as gracious and not self-absorbed. I was surprised to see him asking his interlocutors a lot of questions from a position of actually wanting to learn about their experience/life and what they know. He did this with

. It’s almost like he’s a different person when he’s not in an adversarial interview. You can challenge him, as did about his treatment of Mike Pence / Jan 6 and did about the impact of his rhetoric on the all in pod, but if he’s not in a combative mode, then you get insights and direct answers out of him. The press has for so long framed themselves as the victim vis-a-vis Trump, complaining about how he calls them the “Enemy of the People.” And sure at times he has not treated them kindly, especially at his rallies. But now that the podcasters are having a go and doing the media’s job, it’s pretty clear to me that Trump’s antagonism to the corporate media is almost entirely their fault. To be considered in the good graces of their fellow media elites who saw themselves as the last defensive line of the Resistance, journalists were in chronic performative opposition to him. The result is that he was treated very badly and constantly maligned; many of his policies that were characterized as racist or borne out of bigotry that were rolled forward under the Biden admin, were no longer racist or bigoted. The American people are not stupid. They see through this. Among the fissures that animate this election, one of the major ones is the alternative media world of podcasting vs the mainstream press. Current trends don’t bode well for the latter. America will be all the better for it."

Melissa Chen


I think this makes a couple of good points.

1. That "Journalism" or what used to be "journalism" has passed into the hands of those outside the traditional media, and that's not a bad thing.

2.  That the image of Trump portrayed in the MSM, may not be completely accurate.

So while Harris has a record of jailing low level drug offenders (predominantly black), she also wanted to turn drug offenders loose the first two times they got caught. How anyone can take her seriously at this point is beyond me.  


 "Christians, you have the choice between a non-Christian and an ANTI-Christian. Vote accordingly. God has sovereignly given us the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The choice is really simple. One of these candidates will be FAR worse for our country than the other one. Kamala will attempt to legalize abortion at any stage of pregnancy at the federal level. Trump wants to leave it to the states. Kamala wants to throw pro-lifers in prison. She wants to indoctrinate, castrate, and sterilize your kids. She wants to flood our nation with immigrants to attain a permanent electoral majority. Trump opposes the weaponization of the DOJ against pro-lifers, he opposes the castration and sterilization of children, and is dead set on closing our border. You’re not voting for a pastor. You’re voting for a candidate who can and hopefully will accomplish some of your political priorities. Trump may not be a Christian, but at least he isn’t Anti-Christian. You have a chance come November 5th to peacefully oppose the rising tide of leftist tyranny. Please do not waste your vote."

 Josh Haymes

Harris trying to insert herself into a position in the hurricane response, when both Biden and De Santis have made it clear that they are working together well, is just stupid.

More CBS news trashing whatever credibility it once had.


But, but, but, Israel is the really bad actor in the Middle East, it's Israel.  How did Iran get a seat or chairmanship of a UN committee on Human Rights?


Please, bring in more unvetted immigrants who have no intention of assimilation.  




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