Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden is Out, Apparently

 Well, Biden removed himself from the race for president via a post on Twitter the other day.  We now are waiting to see what's next for the DFL.  

One thing that will likely remain is their insistence that Trump is a "threat to democracy".    It seems strange that the party that wants to protect democracy, that is so fond of the "popular vote" that they want to eliminate the electoral college, is prepared to nominate a candidate for president without an actual "popular vote".   

While circumstances might make this "necessary", the reality is that the vary same people who spent months telling primary voters to vote for Biden because he was perfectly capable of  a second term, and the he was sharp and on top of the day to day requirements of the job, and now going to appoint his replacement because they were wrong.  

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

Well...they're liars, so what more can be expected from them?