Thursday, July 18, 2024



Marshal Art said...

We know how asshat progressives will respond to the question, but this response is what we need to adopt ourselves. Note it is in reference to migrants storming a border. This is a violent action. And aggressive action and is very much an invasive action. Repelling an invasion by whatever means accomplishes the goal should be on the table. I would suggest it would take one event to prevent a repeat attempt. That's a good thing.

That doesn't mean that I would not find such a response regrettable, and I would hope some warning would have been made prior to resorting to that response. But the response itself in the fact of a rush to overwhelm those tasked with defending the border is appropriate nonetheless.

Craig said...

Obviously the video lacks context, but at some point failure to respect the laws of a jurisdiction is very likely to result in negative consequences. The fact that these negative consequences are relatively mild, and could have been avoided entirely is something that the left will conveniently ignore.

FYI, Reilly's book is pretty good.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

We should have long ago had armed units with approval to open fire at any invasion at the border. Even if just plastic bullets, anything to stop the invasion.

SO what does BVMLTT mean?

Marshal Art said...

"Black Voices Matter...Listen To Them"

...right, Craig?

Craig said...


Art is correct. One of Dan's mantras is "listen to black voices" (would that be a Dantra?) The problem is that when I listen to "black voices" I find much more diversity than Dan does. Clearly what Dan means is "Listen to the black voices I tell you to listen to, and ignore all the rest of the black voices.".

It's a variation on his Appeal to Authority logical fallacy. The notion that only certain "black voices" have credibility and must be listened to (not just listened to, but uncritically accepted as authoritative) strikes me as almost racist in it's assertion. The very idea that Dan, a rich white guy, can determine which "black voices" are worthy of "listening to" and which must be ignored seems the height of hubris.

As Dan's "black voices" are amplified all over the place, I feel like there's room to bring the :black voices" that Dan would prefer be silent into this space.