Wednesday, July 17, 2024

If it Weren't for Double Standards, Dan Would Have No Standards at All.

 I was/am going to do a larger post on this topic, but a comment from Dan indicates that I probably need to break this out from a look at the larger issues of coverage of the Trump assassination attempt.  

Biden was clear and direct when he referred to putting Trump in the "bullseye" on a call before the assassination attempt.    Along with years of referring to Trump as one who will "end democracy", "evil", "Hitler", and various other references, the left is surprised when they are called out for the role their rhetoric might have played in the shooting.

But, if only there was a way to look into the past to watch how the DFL would have responded to something similar to Biden's "bullseye" comment.  Oh, wait, maybe there is a way to accomplish that...

Strangely, it seems, we have a very similar situation that occurred in this century.  Even stranger, the rolls were reversed.   I think we all know how the APL responded after that last incident, and not surprisingly it was completely the opposite of how they respond now.  

Even stranger,  from Kyle Gass of Tenacious D to various congressional staffers, to average people, the outpouring of regret for the shooter missing Trump is truly disgusting.  The virtual silence from the "mainstream" left on this barbaric commentary matches the silence when Kathy Griffin posed with a severed Trump "head" covered in blood.    I seem to remember a Broadway musical which involved a Trump assassination as well.  

Then watching Biden stumble through his rambling attempt to deflect from what he actually said, by mumbling that he hadn't said "crosshairs" (as if "bullseye" and "crosshairs" don't mean the same thing), and end by mumbling.  To his later attempts to justify HIS vitriolic attacks on Trump while condemning "GOP" hate speech.  

Hell, Dan's done his share of calling trump all sorts of vitriolic names, and he's probably not going to take the responsibility he demands others take when he gets mad at what we say.  Just like Dan defending Biden's "bullseye" comments.  

The problem isn't the use of metaphorical language about "bullseyes" or "targets" or "crosshairs".  The problem is that APL double standard about who that language gets used about.   The fact that Dan and his ilk apply this double standard so freely and obliviously can only mean that they consider themselves exempt from the constrictions they want to place on the speech of others. 


Marshal Art said...

Indeed. The left's "moral" equivalency with regard to rhetoric, and worse, with who is actually engaging in violence, is abhorrent, but oh so typical. It's just another manifestation of lefty lying. Dan plays his part quite well.

This attempt demonstrates the thrill Dan and his kind get at being "blessed" with an opportunity to validate their contemptible lying about better people. They thrill at the possibility that this shooter is actually a right-winger. That's still unconfirmed despite his having registered as a Republican...which itself isn't a confirmation. They thrilled at Jan 6 so they can pretend the many violent protests following various justified killings of thugs, or thug deaths which occurred during justified detainment by law enforcement officers were somehow less violent and less common. It's the usual thing lefties do, and Dan does constantly: exaggerating bad behaviors (or alleged bad behaviors) by those on the right, while minimizing far more serious bad behaviors of his own kind. Honest people aren't the least bit fooled by this gambit.

Craig said...

"Indeed. The left's "moral" equivalency with regard to rhetoric, and worse, with who is actually engaging in violence, is abhorrent, but oh so typical. It's just another manifestation of lefty lying. Dan plays his part quite well."

It's simply beyond belief that anyone could argue that words are as or more harmful than actions. Telling someone "I'm going to beat your ass and kill you." would be considered very harmful by the APL. Yet, actually doing it would be exponentially more harmful. To suggest an equivalency between word and deed is just bullshit.

"This attempt demonstrates the thrill Dan and his kind get at being "blessed" with an opportunity to validate their contemptible lying about better people. They thrill at the possibility that this shooter is actually a right-winger. That's still unconfirmed despite his having registered as a Republican...which itself isn't a confirmation. They thrilled at Jan 6 so they can pretend the many violent protests following various justified killings of thugs, or thug deaths which occurred during justified detainment by law enforcement officers were somehow less violent and less common. It's the usual thing lefties do, and Dan does constantly: exaggerating bad behaviors (or alleged bad behaviors) by those on the right, while minimizing far more serious bad behaviors of his own kind. Honest people aren't the least bit fooled by this gambit."

The reality is that the notion of the left saying, "Well I know that you're really Hitler, and are going to abolish democracy immediately, but we really hope your get well soon", is the height of hypocrisy. The attempt to justify their hateful, vitriolic, demonizing language while condemning much tamer language on the right is pathetic.

Trump: "Look at sleepy Joe Biden."

The Left: "Trump is literally Hitler who's going to strip you of your freedoms and destroy democracy."

Also The Left: "Stop with the mean, nasty language."

The simple fact is that we have actual proof of how the left responded to the exact type of language Biden and others have used. The simple fact is that they hysterical and foolish, but don't want to live by the standards they apply to themselves.

Dan Trabue said...

The reality is that the notion of the left saying, "Well I know that you're really Hitler, and are going to abolish democracy immediately, but we really hope your get well soon",

You mean the new VP Vance and many other GOP members before they bowed to the gold throne of your princeling?

Dan Trabue said...

The Right: "Obama's like Hitler..."

How often did you reject that ridiculous comparison?

Dan Trabue said...

On the other hands, many scholars and historians have warned that Trump demonstrates many of the traits of authoritarians. Conservative, liberal, moderate, this is a common concern. Books have been written. Trump's own VP called him Hitler.

Being concerned about Trump's authoritarian tendencies is not fearmongering. It's rational concern being raised because of Trump's actions.

That you have blinded yourself to his authoritarian tendencies doesn't mean that reasonable people across the political spectrum have raised these concerns.

Including Trump's own VP.

Dan Trabue said...

Trump: "Look at sleepy Joe Biden."

The Left: "Trump is literally Hitler who's going to strip you of your freedoms and destroy democracy."

Also Trump:

"You just grab women by the pussy... and they let you!"
[mocking a man with a disability]
[ogling teenaged girls who are in degrees of being disrobed... AND LAUGHING ABOUT... ON RADIO FOR ALL TO HEAR]
[boasting about getting away with such atrocities because you're a wealthy privileged white man]
"The election was stolen"
"The press is the enemy of the people"
"They're sending us rapists and criminals... BE AFRAID, IDIOTS!!" (the last was subtext for the reading-challenged)
"We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country."
"I never said 'lock her up...'" (stupidly false claim, as if "memory" technology doesn't exist)
[Speaking of immigrants] "Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now … It’s poisoning the blood of our country." (noting that these are the sorts of things that are part and parcel of racist, fascist ideology.)
"He is a Soros-backed animal who just doesn’t care about right or wrong." (Speaking of public servant doing his job)
"Women: you have to treat 'em like shit."
"You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."
"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
[He infamously said of his own daughter] "I don’t think Ivanka would do that [pose for Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her."

You know, I could go on and on and on and on and on. The man says stupid, vulgar, ignorant, racist, piggish, very vulgar, sexist, misogynistic things and has done so for his entire life. When you compare quotes and you choose one of the most mild things Trump has said as your example, and compare that to what conservatives, scholars, historians and other rational people across the political spectrum have said... it betrays you as a trump-defender, a defender of rapists and sexists and those who engage in the very most vulgar of comments, the most idiotic of dangerous lies.

Compare apples to rotten apples and own the pervert you are defending and VOTING for.

Craig said...

"You mean the new VP Vance and many other GOP members before they bowed to the gold throne of your princeling?"

No, I meant how Biden and all the rest of the DFL are blithely telling "Hitler" that they hope he gets better.

"How often did you reject that ridiculous comparison?"

I've never rejected it because it's an obscure quote from and obscure congressman from 2015. As opposed to a major news magazine, which is part of the real journalistic sources you revere, publishing a cover which literally replaces Hitler with Trump from an actual Hitler poster. But your commitment to "The other guys do it." instead of acknowledging the problems with your own guys is impressive.

"On the other hands, many scholars and historians have warned that Trump demonstrates many of the traits of authoritarians. Conservative, liberal, moderate, this is a common concern. Books have been written. Trump's own VP called him Hitler."

But your commitment to "The other guys do it." instead of acknowledging the problems with your own guys is impressive.

"Being concerned about Trump's authoritarian tendencies is not fearmongering. It's rational concern being raised because of Trump's actions."

It might be, if it wasn't constantly phrased in such fearmongering language. If only we had some way to get a glimpse of how Trump might govern, unfortunately we just have no way to know. Oh, except the fact that he already had a term and didn't do any of the things y'all are fearmongering about.

"That you have blinded yourself to his authoritarian tendencies doesn't mean that reasonable people across the political spectrum have raised these concerns."

You have blinded yourself to things like reality and Truth, so I'd be more worried about that. Especially when your fearmongering is directly contradicted by the historical record, and when your continued references of this type likely set up a tone where we have an actual assassination attempt.

"You know, I could go on and on and on and on and on. The man says stupid, vulgar, ignorant, racist, piggish, very vulgar, sexist, misogynistic things and has done so for his entire life."

All of which I've condemned. But why let reality interrupt your vitriolic attacks on Trump. None of this justifies the fearmongering about Hitler, destroying democracy, or putting a bullseye on him. Again you commitment to blaming the other guy for what your guys are doing, and what you are still doing is impressive.

"Compare apples to rotten apples and own the pervert you are defending and VOTING for."

You refuse to do what you demand of others, yet you continue to make these outlandish demands demonstrating your double standard.

Anonymous said...

Show me ONE POST where you've condemned directly, clearly and strongly Trump's false and dangerous claims about the free press, the "rapists and criminals being sent by Mexico," about a "stolen election..." etc, and then I will apologize.

Or have the decency to admit you've never condemned these attacks on fellow citizens.

And still, you're not comparing apples to apples. Trump demonstrably has dangerous, authoritarian leanings. To say that Trump has some worrisome traits and policy wishes similar to authoritarian dictators (like Hitler) is factually correct and a reasonable concern. Whether or not people like Vance should invoke Hitlers name is a reasonable consideration, but only in the context of recognizing Trump's authoritarian leanings.


Anonymous said...

"These people are running a Gestapo administration, It's the only way they're going to win."

So, I guess you would condemn strongly the person who said that, even if it was Trump?

(It was... one of the many times Trump and his ilk have compared Biden and the Democrats to Nazis.)


Craig said...

"Or have the decency to admit you've never condemned these attacks on fellow citizens."

Like you, I've condemned Trump in both general and specific terms since 2015. Did I write one specific post to specifically condemn every little thing Trump has said that you don't like, I don't know or care. The problem is that while you can't point to one specific instance where I praised those things, you'll claim that I do without proof. Again, your commitment to blaming others is impressive.

"And still, you're not comparing apples to apples. Trump demonstrably has dangerous, authoritarian leanings. To say that Trump has some worrisome traits and policy wishes similar to authoritarian dictators (like Hitler) is factually correct and a reasonable concern. Whether or not people like Vance should invoke Hitlers name is a reasonable consideration, but only in the context of recognizing Trump's authoritarian leanings."

Again, you are confusing your hunches about Trump's "leanings" and things he's said with his actions. Somehow Trump, in your tiny little brain, managed to serve for 4 years in office while never once acting on these alleged "leanings", but somehow you need to fearmonger that this time he'll do what he didn't last time.

It's strange that while Biden is actively engaging in the unconstitutional transfer of student loan debt to the taxpayers, actively trying to subvert the doctrine of separation of powers, and has actively engaged in censoring social media content, you're worried about what Trump might do.

Craig said...

"So, I guess you would condemn strongly the person who said that, even if it was Trump?

(It was... one of the many times Trump and his ilk have compared Biden and the Democrats to Nazis.)"

Given that this "quote" is unsourced and unattributed, it's hard to take it seriously. But, assuming it's accurate, I have no problem saying that it is wrong and condemning it.

Of course, this is just you dredging up one unsourced, out of context "quote" as a way to further you making excuses for the MSM and DFL to continue to use as much demonizing language as they wish.

I guess your plea for "kindness" was just performative bullshit.