Thursday, July 25, 2024


 So, a group of protesters invaded the US capitol, tried to obstruct proceedings, attacked police, burned stuff, and defaced public property.   Strangely the outcry from the APL is essentially silence.   

I'm not surprised from a bunch of people who think that burning, looting, injuring, killing and over  $2 billion in damages is "mostly peaceful".


Stan said...

Wait a minute! How is that not "insurrection" in the same sense as Jan 6? Oh, yeah, that old double standard thing. Got it.

Craig said...

Double standards, perish the thought.

Marshal Art said...

Given the removal and burning of United States flags, then replacing them with the flags of Hamas and Gazans, this at the very least suggests a desire to overthrow. No such desire was in play on Jan 6, 2021, despite the intentionally asserted false claims of the Trump-hating left.

I saw video reporting of interviews with a couple of the cretins protesting Netanyahu's speech and their false claims of genocidal behavior on the part of Israel against the factually genocidal Gazans. Those I saw appeared to be and sounded like American women dressed in terrorist garb and paraphernalia. One was asked if she supported the actions of Hamas on Oct 7 of last year. She responded by screaming a question if the reporter supported the murder of children in Gaza. Typical leftist/progressive/marxist (same things) puking. Shameful and these people are an obvious stain on our national character...even considering it's less than stellar already.

Anonymous said...

There was no insurrection yesterday because there was no attempt to overthrow the government. See how that works?

What there was, was mostly peaceful protests with some 26 or so committing crimes or getting violent with the police. THOSE who engaged in violence were arrested, as they should have been.

Just as with the attempted insurrection on Jan 6, except there were many more violent actors on the day of the attempted insurrection.

What inconsistency? We oppose violence and those who engaged in violence were arrested.

Harris/Biden support peaceful protest but condemn violence.


And not once have Harris/Biden called for a pardon of those who engaged in violence. Not once have they called those engaging in this violence heroes or patriots.

So, THERE is the inconsistency... y'all don't condemn Trump for being inconsistent but do try to smear the Democrats when we ARE being consistent.

You're welcome. If there's anything else you fellas are having a hard time understanding, just ask.


Dan Trabue said...

I wonder what all you Christians would say to Jesus one day when you meet Jesus and he tells you, "Good me, guys! What's wrong with you?! The violent insurrectionists on Jan 6 WERE violent insurrectionists! It was actually a bad thing to do! TRUMP is actually a horrible, horrible child of mine (and here I'm not talking about "utterly or totally depraved" the way you think ALL of my brothers and sisters are... I'm talking about actually vulgar, evil, sick poor child of mine...) He is NOT fit for any serious office in any way whatsoever. OF COURSE, he was a sexual predator - HE TOLD YOU SO HIMSELF! What were you THINKING in guessing that it was moral to vote for him... You were on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of ME. Me have mercy!"

If and when that happens, will you be embarrassed to be so disappointing to Jesus? To be so very wrong? And obviously so?

Craig said...

"There was no insurrection yesterday because there was no attempt to overthrow the government. See how that works?"

So, then there was no "insurrection" on J6 because there was no attempt to "overthrow the government", thanks for clearing that up.

"What there was, was mostly peaceful protests with some 26 or so committing crimes or getting violent with the police. THOSE who engaged in violence were arrested, as they should have been."

Much like J6. Not much like 2014-2020 and those "mostly peaceful" riots.

"Just as with the attempted insurrection on Jan 6, except there were many more violent actors on the day of the attempted insurrection."

Interesting, J6 was now NOT an "insurrection", only an "attempted insurrection". Except there was no attempt to "overthrow the government". I'll give you credit, you've bought the narrative hook, line, and sinker and are not going to let anything get in the way.

"What inconsistency? We oppose violence and those who engaged in violence were arrested."

I guess we'll see if they're treated similarly.

"Harris/Biden support peaceful protest but condemn violence."

If you say so.

"And not once have Harris/Biden called for a pardon of those who engaged in violence. Not once have they called those engaging in this violence heroes or patriots."

They don't have to. They control the justice system that'll adjudicate these crimes. They'll be out on bail, if they aren't already and will get charged with minor offenses if they're prosecuted at all.

Craig said...

"I wonder what all you Christians would say to Jesus one day when you meet Jesus and he tells you, "Good me, guys! What's wrong with you?!"

Well, I guess I'd assume that He knew that I condemned the J6 protests within days of it happening. That I've been quite clear that anyone who engages in or threatens political violence is wrong to do so. I'd also wonder why He was mentioning it as His death removed my sins (presuming that this was a sin) as far away as the "east is from the west" and "remembered them no more".

I can't help but wonder who you'd respond to Him asking, "Why did you so enthusiastically support allowing women to kill the children made in My very image and likeness for their convenience? Why did you make excuses and justify the 2014-2024 rioters that killed, burned, stole, and caused mush harm to innocent people? Why did you encourage people to mutilate and alter their perfectly functioning bodies, those bodies "knit together inn their mother's wombs" and created in the very image and likeness of Me?

"The violent insurrectionists on Jan 6 WERE violent insurrectionists!"

Which I literally condemned within days of the event, and whom I still condemn. I've never supported or excused the few who were violent.

"It was actually a bad thing to do! TRUMP is actually a horrible, horrible child of mine (and here I'm not talking about "utterly or totally depraved" the way you think ALL of my brothers and sisters are... I'm talking about actually vulgar, evil, sick poor child of mine...) He is NOT fit for any serious office in any way whatsoever. OF COURSE, he was a sexual predator - HE TOLD YOU SO HIMSELF! What were you THINKING in guessing that it was moral to vote for him... You were on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of ME. Me have mercy!""

Dan speaking for Jesus, and assuming that we as humans are responsible for Jesus' role of judging and punishing sin.

"If and when that happens, will you be embarrassed to be so disappointing to Jesus? To be so very wrong? And obviously so?"

I personally, have no concern about embarrassing Jesus. Jesus already knows and has forgiven my sins. He's separated them from me "as far as the east is from the west" and "remembered them no more". His finished work has covered my sin, of which there is plenty.

The Jesus you've concocted who's just like you, is kind of disturbing and so unlike the Jesus I see in scripture that I can't help but be concerned for you soul.

Craig said...

"insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt."

"organized", check.
"violent" check.
"rebellion", check.
"revolt", maybe.
"against an established government", engaged in their lawful duties, check.

We really don't know if they were all "citizens" or not, but it's likely some were.

Craig said...

"I certainly am disappointed and ashamed at the behavior of these protesters. I expect better from conservatives and can't imagine what could have justified this behavior."

" I haven't heard that there has been any destruction as of this writing, but if there is, let's remember to apply the same standards to these protesters that we applied to those from this past summer."

"As usual, I respect the right of people to protest and publicly express their grievances. Of course, once it stops being peaceful, then they lose my respect and they deserve whatever consequences they incur."

Posted on January 6 2021.

Not as vitriolic and incendiary as Dan would like, but condemnatory nonetheless, especially based on how soon after the news broke that I posted.

Craig said...

The first paragraph from Dan's first comment to my condemnation of the J6 protesters who engaged in violence. I made the radical suggestion that the J6 protesters who'd engaged in violence be treated similarly to how the 2020 rioters were treated.

"The protesters LAST summer were objecting to being killed and harassed by police. A legitimate protest."

First, the excuse for the rioting. Then the notion that protesting the possibility of election fraud, and protesting at the actual place where change might be achieved, is illegitimate is simply absurd. Especially in light of the recent findings and admissions regarding the election results and the security of Dominion voting machines. Further, Dans excuse seems to be based on the falsehood that "hundreds/thousands of innocent, unarmed blacks are killed by police every year". Dan's excuse also ignores (at least in the case of the MPLS riots) the history of left wing "protesters" attacking police with deadly weapons, chanting that the police should be killed, and a multi day violent siege of a police station. He pretends that the "protesters" bore no responsibility for anything violent, and ignores the history of anti police violence and rhetoric.

"Amid the protest, SOME TINY minority of opportunists engaged in looting and they were wrong. But they weren't the protesters... no evidence of that that I've seen."

I literally sat in front of my TV and watched live coverage from all of the local stations news departments, of hundreds/thousands of people engaging in violence, destruction, looting, rioting, and attacking police. I watched as the "majority" of these peaceful protesters did nothing to control the rioters, looters, and arsonists. At a minimum, that would seem to make them accessories to felonies.

Strangely enough, no one in power chose to avail themselves of the technology deployed against the J6 protesters to hunt down and charge those who participated in the 2020 summer of love.

Dan's insistence that the summer of love rioters be held to a different standard of justice than the J6 protesters, speaks volumes to his concept of justice.

Craig said...

I've merely focused on one part of the 2020 summer of love riots (MSP) as an example of the double standard. When you aggregate that amount of damage, harm, and violence from all of the "BLM"/Antifa/Pro Hamas riots/protests/occupations/vandalism from 2014-2024 the J6 protest seems pretty insignificant.

Marshal Art said...

"Dan's insistence that the summer of love rioters be held to a different standard of justice than the J6 protesters, speaks volumes to his concept of justice."

One might say that Dan perverts the concept of justice.

Of those on Jan 6 who were violent, where those who were victims of the unjustified deployment of flash bangs and tear gas, as proven by video of the deployment. Those who were so victimized were simply walking peacefully. Then, of course, were the agents provocateurs like Epps doing the true inciting. Sure. Lots of protesters then were pissed. That's why people protest.

"When you aggregate that amount of damage, harm, and violence from all of the "BLM"/Antifa/Pro Hamas riots/protests/occupations/vandalism from 2014-2024 the J6 protest seems pretty insignificant."

Let us add the attack on the GOP congresspeople practicing for an inter-party softball game, which almost took the life of Rep. well as the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh. (How thrilled was the left to find Crooks was a registered Republician! "SEE!? SEE?!")

Craig said...

One might say that.

Where I think we differ on this sort of political violence/rioting is that you and I ( I think) would agree that the J6 participants who actually engaged in violence or destruction of property, should be charged, tried, and punished (if convicted) based on their specific actions. They clearly have the technology to dig deep in identifying people who were there. What we/I object to is that J6 protesters who engaged in peaceful protest, and did nothing beyond that, were hunted down, over charged, held without bail, and over sentenced. It's all about things like equal justice under the law.

Dan, is perfectly fine with how the J6 folks were treated, and likely doesn't care enough to actually look at what happened. Likewise, he's perfectly content to offer excuses for the summer of love rioters, occupiers, "BLM" rioters, and pro Hamas folks, because they're justified. Throwing chunks of concrete at police officers from an over pass, threatening to "fry" cops "like bacon", laying siege (with Molotov Cocktails) to or burning down police precincts are justified based on the "cops kill hundreds/thousands of unarmed, innocent black people" myth. Left wing protesters take over a significant chuck of Seattle, totally trash the place, and engage in violence, justified.

J6, protesting for the integrity of US elections, not justified. It's almost like our votes and the integrity of our elections just aren't worth protesting for.

Absolutely, let's add those things. Let's also add the attempt to threaten both the Chauvin jury, and the supreme court with violence to influence the verdict/decision. How about the attacks on peaceful pro-Life demonstrators?

Anonymous said...

Double-Standard Dan at his perverted finest.

Craig said...

The art of the double standard has been elevated to a very high level with the DFL and APL to be sure, but Dan is an especially gifted practitioner.