Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 For like a week and a half a while back we were inundated with all sorts of hysteria about Q Anon and the mortal danger it/they/he posed to the free world and how we must rid ourselves of this evil influence.  Well, the only specific I ever heard about Q Anon was that it/they/he were vehemently opposed to child sex trafficking.    Now, as I oppose all human trafficking, I can get behind anyone who opposes it.  Therefore on that one issue, I agree with Q Anon's position.    But somehow, Q Anon quickly faded into the ether and miraculously the treat disappeared.  

Now the threat to our very existence is Project 2025.   It's a document put together by a think tank with things they think would improve our country and our culture.   Now Trump has made it clear that he does not endorse this document, although I suspect that there is some overlap on some issues.  But we know that there is virtually zero chance of the things in Project 2025 being implemented exactly as written, let alone all of them.  Yet somehow this theoretical, intellectual, thought exercise has become the greatest existential threat to all that we hold dear in the entire history of the world.  

What's strange, is that when I read or hear leftists talk about it and compare their characterization of it to what it actually says, the leftist version is always exaggerated (that's a polite way of saying it).    The hysteria over something that has literally no chance of being implemented is impressive.   It's almost like conspiracy theories cross party lines or something. 


Marshal Art said...

And yet, we're supposed to be the fearmongers. Can you say "projection"?

Craig said...
