Thursday, July 18, 2024



This seems like a really bad, and racist, idea.  


Marshal Art said...

I always favored the stop and frisk policy and this is just a variation on that theme. Given the article indicates most are let off with a warning for whatever minor infraction compelled the traffic stop, I don't see what the problem is. If for the rest, illegal drugs or guns or other evidence of criminality is discovered with the search, then the policy is positively effective on behalf of the law-abiding. The only downside is how one goes from "your left tail light is out" to "I need to search your vehicle". That's not explained as far as I read, and it does pose an issue. If the person pulled over is revealed to have a record or outstanding warrants, then clearly a search is justified, but it doesn't really get into that as far as I read.

I'm not surprised an abject moron like Kim Foxx would seek to have this policy eliminated. She's not a pro-law and order kinda chick.

Craig said...

The problem is that blacks are more often found with guns and drugs and that we can't do anything that perpetuates that reality.

Obviously, I'm not a fan of using a traffic stop as a false pretext to undertake an otherwise unlawful search, but if it's a legit traffic stop and there is evidence of other illegal stuff visible, then that's just winning stupid prizes.

Marshal Art said...

Exactly. But they always take ID and check it out. That prompts searches as well if the citizen shows up with something outstanding or is a known felon. I've been searched for nonsensical reasons, and knowing I had nothing to hide (plus I wanted to see the looks on their faces when they saw just how much crap I had in my trunk), I let them knock themselves out. It doesn't take a lot of time out of my day, and I can socialize with them at the same time in a friendly manner. This might provide me a place in their memory should we cross paths again, reducing any chance of negative outcome. That was my thought at the time, anyway, back when I was likely to have just swallowed a roach before pulling over.

Craig said...

"Exactly. But they always take ID and check it out. That prompts searches as well if the citizen shows up with something outstanding or is a known felon. I've been searched for nonsensical reasons, and knowing I had nothing to hide (plus I wanted to see the looks on their faces when they saw just how much crap I had in my trunk), I let them knock themselves out. It doesn't take a lot of time out of my day, and I can socialize with them at the same time in a friendly manner. This might provide me a place in their memory should we cross paths again, reducing any chance of negative outcome. That was my thought at the time, anyway, back when I was likely to have just swallowed a roach before pulling over."

Yeah, as long as there is a real reason for the traffic stop, and the search rises organically from the information legally gleaned from the stop, I have no problem. I suspect that simply responding politely and being cooperative with LEOs, would solve a significant amount of problems. Even if they're in the wrong, go along, be polite, record if possible, and go on from there.

OH, don't ride around with illegal guns and drugs in your car.

Marshal Art said...

Sound advice indeed!