Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 With the proliferation of cameras everywhere, we now see things that we would rarely or never see in the past.  One of those things is men beating the crap out of women.    Every once and a while we'll see a video of a man beating the crap out of a woman in public, and it's very hard to watch.  For those of us who grew up in a world when men were taught to never hit women, it provokes a visceral reaction of wanting to remove the threat to the woman.   In those cases where we see men standing around watching a man beat the crap out of a woman, my disgust extends to the men who stand by and do nothing.  

Who would have thought that we'd be able to see men beating the crap out of women, televised for profit by a major network and sanctioned by a multinational body.  

While I couldn't have watched much of this travesty, the few excerpts I saw were sickening. 


Anonymous said...

Just as disgusting is women being denied equalizer by law.

Craig said...

Again, I assume this is Art because I can't think of any other anonymous commenter that would say that.

Marshal Art said...

Right again, Craig. 'Twas I!

I'm going to presume you're referring to the deviant fighting the Italian woman in the Olympics. Clearly, Dems/progs/leftists/marxists love seeing men beating the crap out of women. We didn't need them enabling mental disorder to know that. We didn't need the Harris/Biden administration perverting Title IX to know that. The progs don't really care about women. This is just another way they hurt women, and now it's directly physically abusive. Their "empathy" for the mentally disordered has put women at greater risk than they've ever put them.

Anonymous said...

Does it matter to you all that the boxer really is a woman, born as a girl?

I am STILL reading conservatives whining about this because they believe conservative propaganda rather than the news.

Is there any point where you all will retract these messages and apologize?


Anonymous said...

Boxing is a brutal competition which should probably be banned. But the point kind of is to hit harder than your opponent. It sounds like you all want a match where everyone is entirely equal in strength and prowess.

Good luck with that.


Craig said...

"Does it matter to you all that the boxer really is a woman, born as a girl?"

Yes, biology does matter. The fact that they have a rare condition that masks their male organs, doesn't mean that are biological women.

"I am STILL reading conservatives whining about this because they believe conservative propaganda rather than the news."

I'm reading the statements of the International Boxing regulatory body, those who've dug deeper, and they've been quite clear on the biological sex of the boxers.

"Is there any point where you all will retract these messages and apologize?"

Is there a point where you will do what you demand of others?

Craig said...

No, what we want is competition where competitors who are biologically male are competing against competitors who are biologically female. Strangely enough the data that men outperform women in sports is vast and irrefutable. With a tiny number of rare exceptions.

The Williams sisters get beat by a guy who was ranked in the 200's of the best men's tennis players in the world.

The USWNT got beat by a team of 15 year old boys.

The best women's outcomes (per record books) are universally lower that men's.

Strangely enough, we're pro women in sports.

Craig said...


What we know is that Khalif has XY chromosomes and was born with a DSD which resulted in him being labeled as female at birth. It seems likely that being born in Algerai which is not noted for tolerance of sexual deviation, played a role in how Khalif was raised.

Yet we see photo after photo of him dressing and presenting as a male.

It seems clear that any who called him trans were wrong, yet those who referred to him as male are biologically correct.

I guess Science loses this one.

Marshal Art said...

"Boxing is a brutal competition which should probably be banned."

You're right, Dan. Screw self-determination and the pursuit of happiness. Screw two consenting people choosing to engage in pugilistic competition.

"But the point kind of is to hit harder than your opponent." "It sounds like you all want a match where everyone is entirely equal in strength and prowess."

The point is to win the fight, be it by accumulating more points than one's opponent, knocking out one's opponent or by forcing the opponent to concede.

"It sounds like you all want a match where everyone is entirely equal in strength and prowess."

Be it professional or amateur (the Olympics being an amateur competition which allows professionals), all pugilistic matches are arranged according to weight class, which is an attempt to enhance competition by matching contestants of like size. We see this in other competitions, such as power lifting, which has also been corrupted by weak men entering to win medals or prizes in women's competitions.

Dan's objection to our objections to men beating up women is just another manifestation of his morally corrupt character.

Craig said...


Excellent point in noting that Dan wants to deprive those who box of their self determination, pursuit of happiness and livelihood because he find sit icky.

Also excellent response to Dan's idiocy about everything being totally equal. As you note boxers are separated by weight class, which allows for some variation in size. That also allows for variation is style, speed, and tactics. The point is to avoid huge mismatches in size or skill. In the case of men v. women, the massive biological advantage of men across the board means that even within the same weight class there is a huge mismatch.

Dan (and the DFL) are clearly in favor of men imposing themselves in women's sports and relegating women to second class citizens in women's sports. Not to mention actual, measurable, physical harm being done to women by men.