Thursday, August 29, 2024

At Least Somone Agrees


"Last week, Trump posted this on Truth Social: “My administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” This is bad on every level. It’s the wrong move. First of all, morally speaking, we should never be legitimizing the concept of reproductive rights. So-called ‘reproductive rights’ is an idea promoted by those who support abortion to justify their beliefs. Before the abortion rights movement, nobody was going around talking about reproductive rights. It didn’t exist as a concept. This is a concept that was introduced for one reason and one reason only—to justify abortion.
Morally, you cannot legitimize it or offer any support for it whatsoever. I know there will be people on the right who will say, “Hey, we have to win an election,” and tell me that I need to get off my high horse because this is politics. “Trump can’t enact any pro-life policies unless he gets into office, so you’ve gotta do what you gotta do to get there.” That’ll be the argument. And politically, that argument is persuasive to me in most cases. If you don’t win, nothing else matters politically.
However, the problem is that Trump's statement isn't good politics. He achieves nothing politically by endorsing reproductive rights. Whose votes is he winning? The vast majority of women who will only vote for a pro-abortion candidate are not going to vote for Trump no matter what. Trump could hold a campaign inside of Planned Parenthood. He could kick JD Vance off the ticket and put the CEO of Planned Parenthood as the new vice president and it still wouldn’t matter for the vast majority of these people. They hate Trump.
And if they care that much about abortion, why vote for Trump when you could just vote for a lifelong pro-abortion fanatic? You can’t out-abortion Kamala Harris. If anyone cares that much about abortion rights or “reproductive rights,” there’s no reason why they wouldn’t just vote for Kamala. She’s the real deal on abortion. When she talks about how she spent her whole life protecting abortion rights, that’s actually true. That’s like the one true thing she says."
Matt Walsh
I think Matt makes some excellent points in this piece.  His point about the morality of legitimizing the concept of "reproductive rights", is very well said especially as so many object to abortion on moral grounds.  
His last point about the reality that people who support abortion are unlikely to vote for Trump because of his tepid and  last minute embrace of "reproductive rights", won't vote for him because why would they settle for half a loaf, when they could get the whole thing.

Finally, I've said pretty much exactly what Walsh said about the politics of Trump's move.   I agree that getting elected is the only goal at this point, I just don't see how this move helps him get elected.   He's unlikely to gain as many pro-choice votes as he's likely to lose pro-life votes.  At best it's a wash, at worst a net loss of votes.  

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