Saturday, August 24, 2024

Mostly Nonviolent Ship Destruction

 Shockingly enough,  adherents of the "Religion of Peace" chose to peacefully and mostly nonviolently blow up a Greek flagged oil tanker in the Red Sea causing an oil spill larger than the Exxon Valdez.   Even more shockingly the Biden administration hasn't had much to say or do about this.   Even more shockingly the leftist environmentalists haven't gotten particularly vocal about this either.   I suspect that it has something to do with the inability/unwillingness of those on the left to criticize and actions by the "Religion of Peace" which tend to detract from the "Religion of Peace" narrative that they've committed to.   Apparently the US has more naval power in the Med/Gulf/Red Sea/IO than anywhere else on the globe right now.   Perhaps this would be a good time to rid the world of these vile pirates who threaten the global economy. 


Marshal Art said...

I favor absolute destruction of pirates attempting to do their thing.

Craig said...

Absolutely. The potential damage to the global economy is potentially significant. Meanwhile the greens, say nothing about the environmental destruction because those on the left won't blame Muslims or terrorists for anything.

Marshal Art said...

And more ironic is the constant whine of the progressives regarding "bullying". I've been accused just for the manner in which I post come comments. But here, we have the worst manifestation of bullying...terrorist activity in all its varied and sundry examples. True opposition to "bullying" would necessitate severe consequences for those who terrorize and threaten. This seems clearly to be a case of war having been declared by them on the rest of us and we just won't return fire. That's a welcome toward being "bullied" if ever there was one.

Craig said...

Bullying is clearly a tactic that the left embraces on a macro level, while bitching about it on a micro level. What, for example, is "No justice, no peace" if not bullying? What are the riots we endured from 2104-2024 or the occupations of public spaces, but bullying? As you note, terrorism is bullying writ large. What's funny is that the way to stop bullying on an individual level is to fight back. But in schools fighting back/defending yourself against a bully will get you punished. On a national or international scale, fighting back against bullies makes you an oppressor. Maybe the left really is too stupid to know what works.

I think I mentioned that before, but there's a post that was circulating a while back that told of Russian entrepreneurs who hosted yacht trips designed to attract pirates so that the guests could repel the pirates. I know it's problematic, but it's not a horrible plan.

Marshal Art said...

Interesting idea. It's entrapment, but whatever...

Craig said...

Per US law, it's only entrapment if LE does it. This would theoretically happen in international waters, which makes the law different. Or issue letters of Marque and Reprisal.