Saturday, August 24, 2024

Honesty is Very Important, For You...


Shocking, one more Walz lie surfaces and those who demand high levels of honesty from their political opponents have nothing to say when their own candidates lie regularly.  


Marshal Art said...

This typical lefty lies like Biden! A perfect candidate for the "modern 'progressive'".

Craig said...

Absolutely. The "Trump lies" crowd will blindly line up and vote for this lying schmuck without even blinking an eye. Because "by any means necessary" and if that means accepting a politicians lies the DFL sheep will do so.

Marshal Art said...

Indeed...or we wouldn't have had to suffer through Biden's failed presidency. Had that not happened, we'd be looking at the end of Trump's 2nd term, and likely a third consecutive GOP term against a Dem less repugnant than Harris.

Craig said...

Who knows. Obviously if Biden was held to the same standard of honesty as Trump, he'd never have been elected.