Thursday, August 29, 2024

More Tidbits, Embedded Videos, and Charts of Data

Bharat Rama can't really be as stupid as the CNBC (real journalism) interview makes him seem, can he?


More reporting on Walz history of lying for political gain.

So the Michigan Secratary of State, after making it clear that she will not allow votes to be verified, is trying to force RFK to stay on the ballot, while trying to remove Cornel West from the ballot.   Trying to fix the election for Harris?

This video of State Fair goers unable to articulate one single Harris accomplishment, is hilarious.  Of course there are many of these video's out there.   The girl who realizes that she can't and decides that she doesn't want to continue is awesome.  


This data seems to indicate a problem in the San Francisco schools.    Apparently RI not F in SF.

There is ample evidence of Harris calling the idea of a border wall things like stupid, racist, and a waste of money.   I guess she's now a stupid, racist, money wasting politician pandering for votes.

I have no reason to believe that West is lying about this, but it sure sounds like attempted bribery to me.

Another black democrat politician for Trump.

More data about Walz. 

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

1st piece...When your own shills mock you, that's not good.

2nd...Two fo thsoe lies I've seen exposed as such. The "Teacher of Excellence" is new to me.

3rd & 4th...This is confusing. Sounds like ballot tampering and election interference.

5th...Is it OK to call these people "stupid"? Seems appropriate and accurate.

6th..Shameful. Can't enlarge the image enough to read it, but I'm aware of this story already. Let's see, who are the most prominent politicians from SF? Pelosi, Harris, Newsome...

7th...Flippity flop...but her values remain the same. Her values include flip-flopping when politically expedient.

8th...Oh yeah! Bribery indeed! But is it actually illegal to offer a position to someone with no real chance to win if it means their supporters will vote for Harris? I truly don't know the law on this question.

9th...Same vid as the 8th.

10th...I really appreciate your posting of this link. Send it to those whose principles are sacrosanct.