Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 I spend a fair amount of time in my car, and as much as I love to play music, I would rather listen to people talking.    I do sometimes listen to You Tube videos or podcasts, but usually I limit myself to the radio.   I did give up on political talk radio years ago, and most of the Christian pastors I listened to are not available up here.   So I gravitate to the comedy, music, and sports talk options on satellite radio.   It stunk when they got rid of the channel that did music talk all day.    Since our local sports talk isn't my cup of tea, too focused on the home teams, I tend to gravitate toward national sports talk.  

One reliable topic is discussing who the GOAT of the NFL is.   Right now, it's obviously Brady, which is fine.   Just as obviously, there's a lot of talk about Mahomes and where he fits.   One of the things I like about Mahomes, is that when he was asked about playing as long as Brady, he said that it was unlikely.   He didn't want to let football become more important than being a father.  This was driven home the other night when someone posted a picture of him in a chair reading to his kids at bedtime.    We're in the middle of the pre-season and wrapping up camp and he's taking time to read to his kids.   It seems clear that Brady sacrificed his marriage and families on the alter of playing football, I sincerely hope that Mahomes doesn't make the same choice.   

I'd selfishly love to see the threepeat, and a few more Super Bowl wins over the next few years.   I'd hate to see Patrick chasing Brady at the expense of his family. 


Marshal Art said...

That has to be a "family" decision. But I don't mind a player calling it a day when their kids are old enough to need a father in their lives on a more full time basis. For someone like Mahomes, he's certainly made enough dough to not have to work in order to provide for his kids in all varieties of ways. Heck...he could probably work part-time for big bucks endorsing products for at last another decade after he retires!

Craig said...

Brady also had plenty of cash. His wife had more than he did, and Brady also had plenty of options for a post football career. Brady chose a few more years of football over his wife and family.

Obviously, it's a family decision to some degree. But for Mahomes to have already said that he's going to prioritize his kids over another year or two in the NFL seems like a good start.

In Mahomes case, it could mean leaving a SB or 2 on the table and not passing Brady.

FWIW, in the unlikely event of a 3peat, I'd argue that the GOAT discussion changes with Mahomes accomplishing something Brady couldn't. It's still too early for those conversations, and I think SB wins are over valued in the discussion, but I guess we'll see.

Marshal Art said...

SB wins reflect the superiority of the entire team, not any single person within the team....though certain QBs make it more possible. Mahomes is one such QB. While I like what I'm seeing with the pre-season Bears, suggesting they'll be an actual contender, I don't think they'll get there this year. But I don't recall a preseason like this one.

The Bears have a weird schedule, with all their division games in the second half. They have a chance to have a great record before they have to meet a single division rival, and I can't recall a season where the scheduling is like this. It would have been nice to see the starters for the first two series in tonight's final preseason game. We'll have to go all the way to have a chance to see KC again.

Anyway, back to the topic...given the money paid to even third string players, to put family...especially one's kids...aside for a decade or more would require a desire by the family...and see it happen.

I like to pretend I rejected great wealth to be with my family.

Craig said...

I agree that QB wins are a stat I'm not fond of. That's why I find the "Brady has a bunch of SBs" therefore he's the GOAT argument lacking. I'm not saying that Brady isn't currently the GOAT, just that the notion that the only way to move past him is to win more SBs is flawed. Mahomes did take an average team to the SB last year and beat some "better" teams along the way.

I agree that the Bears should be much better this year, but that a SB might be a stretch. The NFL has front loaded the Bears schedule with winnable games to set them up for contention late. They have a tough division, and having those games late could be difficult. Unless injuries happen. I learned nothing last night except that Oladokun probably needs to be gone. I suspect that we'll see a KC/CHI SB at some point in the next 5 years if CHI can manage the cap and keep talent.

I agree that prioritizing family during one's active playing career can be a challenge, yet we do see players that do a good job of that (Tyreek just makes more, but I don't think that counts). I'm more comparing Brady who sacrificed his family for one or two more years, to Mahomes who says he won't do so. Obviously I see more of Mahomes than other players, but it seems like they do a good job of taking their kids to stuff that they do.

In general, I appreciate seeing atheletes who prioritize family because I think it's important.