I was just reading the comments on a Facebook post about Cecil the lion, and one commenter suggested that the dentist be stripped naked, equipped with a tracking collar and hunted down. There were plenty of other folks who want the guy dead, but this was the most creative.
Just for grins, let's say that I posted a comment on Facebook detailing how we should take Cecile Richards (or any/all of the PP hierarchy), and against her will and without anesthesia, crush both her head and her lower extremities, then remove all of her salable organs and part her out so as to receive the maximum amount of remuneration for the parts.
How long do you think it would take for me to be labeled as every which kind of vile, sick and twisted person. I'd guess pretty quick.
But, hey you want to strip a guy naked, take him to Zimbabwe, put a tracking collar on him and hunt him down and no one in the thread even bats an eye.
My goodness, isn't tolerance a wonderful (if a bit selective) thing?
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Did you actuary read the post? The point was that out of hundreds of comments in a Facebook thread not ONE SINGLE COMMENTER thought that stripping this guy naked and hunting him down was a problem. At least the head of PETA only wanted him hanged, so that's a little better, I guess.
The point still is that the "inclusive", "tolerant" left is neither genuinely inclusive nor tolerant.
But, why let the actual point of the post get in the way.
Of course, you realize that you are now defending people who want to strip someone naked and hunt them down.
“Liberals think of themselves as very open-minded, but that’s simply not true!”
Conservative icon Camille Paglia
"The resistance of liberals in the media to new ideas was enormous. Liberals think of themselves as very open-minded, but that’s simply not true! Liberalism has sadly become a knee-jerk ideology, with people barricaded in their comfortable little cells. They think that their views are the only rational ones, and everyone else is not only evil but financed by the Koch brothers. It’s so simplistic!"
When I give examples of the left being intolerant, as well as a quote from one of the go to liberal talking heads that agrees we that statement, I stand by the generalization that the left is not nearly as tolerant as they pretend to be.
Yes, when you excuse those on your side who want to engage in certain acts, that certainly appears to be at least tacit support.
Once again, you just can't speak out against those on your side of things
Enough with the off topic blather. The head of PETA said they should hang the guy Piers Morgan wrote a column about "big human hunting". The protesters at his office calling for him to be killed. If this is tolerance, then I don't want to see how the left reacts when it's intolerant. Hell, you can't even muster up any thing other than excuses for this crap.
Look the point t is that for all the platitudes that the left spews they are basically the exact opposite of what they demand others to be.
But, we've pointed that out with you for years and it doesn't seem to matter.
And that I defend liberals at large against false charges is NOT the same as endorsing human hunting. That is incredibly insane, Craig. What is wrong with you, you are NOT that demented, I can not believe it.
By your graceless measure, then all conservatives endorse slavery - including you - because you are not condemning the neo-nazis and confederate flag racists.
You are not this out of touch, Craig. You have just let your emotions get the better of you. Back down and admit your demonstrable false claim. There is no harm in admitting you made a mistake, man. Be the Man of God I know you are. Repent.
No Dan, I am specifically citing 2 people who have various public forums in addition to the numerous Facebook comments, and the multiple local news stories quoting the demonstrators. I know it may not look like it, but outside of your little enclave down south, there are plenty of folks who are calling for this guy to be killed in various ways. These folks are on your side of the political aisle, and the left in general and you in particular will not speak out against this insanity. Remember the response when a Sarah Palin used pictures of archery targets to identify congressional districts that the Republican party was targeting to win in the election? Remember that outcry by the left? Remember that people who thought she should be raped? Killed?
The fact is that the "tolerant" left isn't nearly as tolerant as they'd like you to believe. You can keep it up with the Pollyanna rose colored glasses crap, but there is plenty of evidence to support my opinion.
Please, please show me where I have EVER tried to excuse neo nazis or racism, show me. In fact I have done the opposite. The fact is that when confronted with this kind of thing you won't condemn it, and instead provide excuses to explain it away.
So, enough with the charges of "false claims",and the unctuous BS.
You just don't have the will to step up and speak out against the folks on your side that spout this kind of crap.
Further, you don't have the courage to look at the fact that you (like much of the political left) expect things of others that you don't from yourselves.
That is a big part of why I have minimal respect for most leftists in general nor for you.
FYI, this isn't emotion.
As long as you try to minimize and excuse the people advocating the killing of this dentist, you are for all intents and purposes defending them. Until you can actually bring yourself to condemn this kind of rhetoric you are indicating that you are willing to accept it from those with whom you agree politically.
Note the sign in the picture "Rot in Hell".
Piers Morgan
I’d love to go hunting for killer dentist Dr Walter Palmer, so I can stuff & mount him for MY office wall.
Sharon Osbourne added her thoughts, tweeting: “#WalterPalmer is Satan. I hope someone mounts his ugly ass head to the wall I hope Walter Palmer loses his home his practice & his money he's already lost his soul
Just a few more for you to ponder, doesn't the tolerance just ooze out.
"Asshole-let the hunger games begin
Maybe you will be skinned and your veneers ripped out and mounted on a wall."
"I think he should be shot with a bow and arrow and let out in the wilderness (still bleeding and in pain) and then be hunted just like the beautiful Cecil was."
"Burn in hell if you believe in it. If not just suffer right now."
"You dirty stuckup sadistic shit eating cock sucking butt fucking penis smelling crotch grabbing ball licking semen drinking dog raping nazi loving child touching cow humping perverted spineless heartless mindless dickless testicle choking urine gargling jerk offing horse faced sheep fondling toilet kissing self centered feces puking dildo shoving snot spitting crap gathering big nosed monkey slapping bastard screwing bean shitting fart knocking sap busting splooge tasting bear blowing head swallowing bitch slapping handjobbing doggy caressing mucus spewing anus grabbing hole plugging non-circumsizing sewer sipping whoremongering piss swimming midget munching douche bagging hole munching carbohydrates processing asshole!!!!!!!!!"
"This scumbag isn't human and should be hunted down like he has hunted animals for a sport."
"It's only fair that you get hunted by lions and torn limb from limb."
"Every single tooth of this guy should be ripped out with pliers while he's awake. Then take rough sandpaper and smooth out his gums!
Then let an anaconda suffocate him, but barely keeping him alive. Bring in starving lions to tear his body apart.
Then bring in vultures to feast on whatever flesh is left on his corpse."
"Praying an angry mob finds this cowardly sissy and drags his sorry ass out into the streets where "nature" can really take its course."
"If Dr. Palmer is so keen on hunting lions, then how about we let a lion hunt Dr. Palmer? One on one on an island, broadcast live on PPV."
"I proposed we reverse Cecil's misfortune by putting Dr William Palmer DDS (naked liked Cecil) in the Florida's Everglades, with a broken pocket knife, with a bounty on his head"
Just a few more examples of the "tolerant" left.
These are your people.
Oh, absolutely! Look at some of the various liberal hosts on MSNBC, like Olberman, Schultz...just to name two, who routinely act in a most intolerant manner of those who defend the opposing side. Then we can look at the plethora of hateful comments on various on-line discussions regarding SSM...that is, comments by the tolerant pro-SSM people. Dan himself, speaks of those defending Biblical teaching on the subject as being immoral and irrational. "Tolerance" is just a word the left uses to bludgeon those who oppose them. They have no use for actual tolerance...that is, not in the way they define the word.
Deny it all you want, make excuses for this behavior all you want, these people are on your side of the political aisle and you are excusing their behavior. The problem you have is that I keep providing more and more evidence of the intolerance of the left and you just keep making excuses for the intolerance. I know that behaving consistently is not something that is common with you and the left, but when I see it I'll talk about it.
Sometimes I have been able to lead you into situations where you expose the foolishness of your position or demonstrate that you are blind to how inconsistent you are, but this time you opened the door and walked through all on your own.
In two threads on this very blog, you are virtually simultaneously arguing tow positions that are diametrically opposed yet your argument is based solely on your ideology.
In the case of PP you argue that we must wait for "all the facts" and that we can't "convict" PP of anything. In this case of PP people are calling for a full and complete investigation by any and all appropriate jurisdictions in order to determine if the vile practices they engaged in violate any laws. That's it. No one is threatening anything, we just want these charges investigated. But, in your twisted world that is too much, it's condemning them too soon, it's bad.
But at the same time we have a bunch of people who are calling for this dentist to be summarily killed (and not through the legal capital punishment process), for engaging in a practice that is fundamentally legal (I realize that it appears that laws were probably broken, and that there should be investigation and punishment in accord with the appropriate legal system. Even with that said, it's legal to hunt lions in Zimbabwe). Your response to these comments is to excuse them and to attempt minimize the shock of these demands.
I know it's hard to criticize your ideological brethren, and i know it's hard to work up even mild discomfort at the notion of human beings being killed and their body parts being sold, but the fact remains that you have once again exposed your ideologically based biases and the inconsistency in how you respond to people depending of whether or not they are on your political or theological side.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't have asked for a better demonstrating of your intellectual inconsistency.
If I was defending and making excuses for racists and murderers, you might have a point, but I have not done so. You, on the other hand, have done nothing but defend and try to excuse these people. So as long as you defend those with whom you share a political outlook then its reasonable to suggest the you support them. If you had the courage to do otherwise, this wouldn't be an issue.
It would also help if you didn't assume everything is about you, its not. I pointed out the hypocrisy of the left and you could have agreed that these folks are not displaying tolerance, but you decided to defend and make excuses for them.
You are right that these people should be judged the way they are judging.
I bet the thought that these folks were improperly judging never crossed your mind in your strange desire to simply disagree with me for the sake of disagreement.
I did catch Dan's comment before deletion, and I can't say that it is an accurate argument, unless one pretends that something like racism or misogyny are truly conservative traits. They are not. However, we know that racist policies are typically leftist or Democrat. Conservatives aren't racist by opposing things like affirmative action policies any more than they are anti-woman for opposing abortion. That's just an example of leftist deceit meant to demonize their opposition. In the meantime, conservatives aren't prone to sit quietly while one of their own acts badly.
When one looks at the historic division of racism in the US it skews much more heavily towards the democrats being more institutionally racist than republicans. If one was to look at the origins of PP as well as the actual numbers of abortions broken down by race a really strong argument could be made that PP is a racist organization and that Hilary (as a strong supporter of and honoree of PP) is a racist.
The problem is that it is part of the playbook of the American left that when things aren't going well for you just start to call your opponent a racist or whatever and at that point the argument is over. It's childish, but they do love it so.
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