Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Isn't it somewhat ironic that the people who were adamant that Clinton's private e mail server couldn't be/hadn't been hacked are that same ones blaming her loss on the hacking of e mails?

Isn't it ironic that the same people who fight tooth and nail against various laws to prevent voter fraud on the grounds that voter fraud is virtually nonexistent are the same ones trying to do re counts because of alleged voter fraud?   Isn't it more ironic that the recounts have resulted in a net gain for Trump?

Finally, isn't it ironic that there are people who want the outcome of the presidential elections decided by the voters of California?

1 comment:

Stan said...

Just a note ... a minor note. I don't think it was Clinton's emails that they claim were hacked by the Soviets. I think it was the DNC's. But, then, I could be wrong.