Sunday, April 14, 2019


We had a horrible tragedy up here the other day, that could have been much worse.  I young boy was thrown off a third story balcony at a well known local mall.  Given the knee jerk reaction to the injury of some innocent children, I feel like some response is necessary.  Some call to action.   I feel like something should be banned, or we need protests and chanting?   But what? What should be banned?

The perpetrator was a young African American man, so we can’t ban all young African American men.
We clearly can’t ban malls, it’s simply impractical and probably impinges on someone’s private property rights.
It seems pointless to ban balconies or multi story buildings.
Perhaps we could ban escalators.

Or perhaps we could acknowledge that fallen sinful humans engage in acts which mystify and baffle most of us.  That the ultimate answer is not banning things or people, but in following Jesus.

Following Jesus doesn’t look good on social media, it’s not going to make you popular, it’s not as visceral as a good protest, it certainly doesn’t allow as much room to demonize your opponents , but it’s still the best path.

1 comment:

Craig said...

I’m not going to post your latest, but I’m going to suggest that trying to leverage my personal family tragedy to score rhetorical points is generally not a good move.

Your hubris and egotistical boasting aren’t attractive qualities and certainly not Christlike.

The only thing I can see that your good at is making yourself look exalted in your own eyes.