Thursday, April 18, 2019


I keep seeing the video of one girl beating the crap out of another girl who’s unable to get out of her desk and run away or fight back.   While it’s horrific, and I’m sure there will be punishment, I can’t help but wonder about those other students who sat and watched/filmed.

I’m guessing there were boysyoung men in that classroom, who sat and did nothing.   One wonders if being told that masculinity is “toxic” and that violence is bad had anything to do with it.  Maybe all the boys were white and the girl was a POC, and they were afraid they’d be branded racist.

Most of all what happened to that old fashioned masculine ideal that men should protect those in need of protection?

I know we were raised with “don’t hit girls”, but hitting wouldn’t have been necessary to protect the defenseless victim.  Besides, gender is a BS social construct anyway and girls are now equal to boys in the being hit department, aren’t they?


Marshal Art said...

Some don't want to get involved regardless of the situation. Others enjoy a good cat fight. Still others are worried about how involvement will be perceived and the possible repercussions for their involvement.

"Most of all what happened to that old fashioned masculine ideal that men should protect those in need of protection?"

Radical leftist feminism has rendered all such ideals toxic. Now they are left to fend for themselves. Sad.

Good point about gender as a social construct. Why not just smack the crap out of the attacker and end it? As there are no significant differences between the sexes anymore, there's now no more such thing as "never hit a woman", right? Just one more way the leftist ideology results in negative consequences the right was always able to predict.

Craig said...

Like many things if the left there is a desire for equality, but only as long as it advantageous.

Which is privilege, not equality.

I can imagine the mental gymnastics required for a pacifist to rationalize sitting and watching a young woman getting the crap beat out of her.

Marshal Art said...

I have to say that I've known pacifists who would attempt to end such confrontations. One needn't throw knuckles to do so.

Craig said...

I agree that it's possible.