Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Interesting take

In a misogynistic porn culture it isn’t correct to say “sex sells”—no, the sexualized female body sells—or even more accurately, depictions of power over the sexualized female body sells. ”


Stan said...

That is, in a porn culture the only porn that sells is the porn that dominates female bodies? What about the porn that includes dominant females and emasculated men? While there is certainly some truth in there, it only ultimately works if the assumption is "Males are bad" and "Females are good" and work from there.

Craig said...


The point is that the vast majority of porn plays into male dominance to some degree. Research shows that teen aged boys have expectations regarding sex that are driven by what they see in porn. This also plays out in that most porn is designed to portray women as compliant to whatever men want.

I definitely think there’s a subset that is as you describe, but the research I’ve seen indicates that the majority is depicting women as primarily to gratify men’s whims.

I’m also not talking about the 50 shades thing, that’s a whole other aspect.

I’m trying to avoid being graphic as well.