Tuesday, May 7, 2019

More silence

A liberal PA politician verbally attacks a woman silently praying on public property, and then offers his followers cash if they identify two teenaged girls also praying silently in public.   Then when the video he too of himself verbally harassing these silent, innocent women gets criticized, he goes on the attack.

You know who else is silent?   The folx on his side of the political spectrum.

It’s not surprising, it’s expected.

Of course, let’s see if he’s got the spine to show back up on Friday.


Craig said...

“Remember when the Covington Catholic teens “smirked” at Native American man who marched into their midst with a drum? Media mayhem & outcry

A PA State Rep films himself harassing teen girls & asks his followers to dox them, while mocking their race & prayers. Total media silence“

Craig said...

“Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later," Rogers said.“

This from an AL democratic rep and senate candidate also gets silence.

Dan Trabue said...

I've actually said something about this. It is wrong to stand outside of an abortion clinic and harass people, to hold up signs telling them they're going to hell or just stalking them there at the clinic. It's wrong for a representative to do it to women. It's wrong for conservatives to do it to women seeking medical help.

I'm consistent in my position. Are you?

Dan Trabue said...

Perhaps many are silent because they recognize an object lesson and irony and hypocrisy when they see it

Craig said...

Really, you’ve actually called out these to representatives for their specific actions?

I seriously doubt it.

I suspect it’s more about hypocrisy from folx on the left, than anything else. It fits the pattern too well.

Dan Trabue said...

I've actually said something about this to friends on FB. It is WRONG to harass women (or others) outside of abortion clinics.

I am consistent on this position.

Will you join me in standing against harassing women out of abortion clinics or are you a hypocrite?

Don't answer. We know it already. Your historic dodges and non-answers say it all.

The fact is almost certainly the case that you don't give a damn about women being harassed outside of abortion clinics... as long as the person doing the harassing is harassing the right women.

So just stop with the shit like you give a damn about women. Your silence says it all. Your hypocrisy says it all. Your selective "outrage" says it all.

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

For someone who calls them self a Christian to suggest that silently praying on a public sidewalk is harassment seems a bit strange.

To answer the question, even though you clearly already made up your mind and it shows in to impose your prejudices on me, no I don’t believe that people should be harassed in public.

Craig said...

I also don’t believe people should be harassed in private, or online. Too bad your pet troll doesn’t agree with that.

Craig said...

“The Planned Parenthood where @BrianSimsPA bullied teenage & elderly constituents:

- has failed 13 out of 23 health inspections
- failed to report child sex abuse
- improperly stored bodies of aborted babies
-failed to report a serious incident to a patient
- no background checks on employees

Even with these failures, there is no indication that this location was ever fined, penalized or forced to close until the failures have been remedied.

- Source: PA Department of Health

It would seem that Sims might not care as much about the standards of care inside the clinic he’s so adamant that women have unrestricted access to.

I guess it’s just too burdensome to expect places like this do you follow inconveniences like health codes.

Dan Trabue said...

"You're wicked! ...You're a pervert... You wicked whore! Shame on you! Keep your legs closed. You disgusting human being!"



"Babies are murdered here! Nothing wrong with slaughtering children."


Here's one from my own town...


The very real harassment that happens to innocent women trying to take care of their health care needs and make their OWN decisions about their OWN health has happened for years. Where are your posts decrying THAT harassment and intimidation?

Can you admit the reality that you have NEVER complained about THAT harassment?

Don't bother, we know.

Yes, the harassment is on a spectrum, with some "merely" holding up signs that show aborted fetus photos and just quietly praying or mumbling (hailmaryfullofgracethelordiswithyou...) to themselves. But, in the context of the real attacks, shouts and accusations of being a "baby killer" (is that YOUR position? Answer the question or let your silence say it all) and suggestions that they're going to hell or are sluts, etc... even the quiet prayers are now harmful. Context matters.

IF you all (and me, once upon a time - although I never protested outside of clinics) had embraced a more "quietly praying" stance and strong opposition to the harassment all along, THEN your concerns about this representative would be more palatable.

As it is, it only goes to demonstrate that you don't give a damn about women or harassment. Just as long as it's the "right" harassment.

Craig said...

Of course the fact that I’ve condemned harassment, the fact that I’ve agreed with you that harassment is bad, of course I’ve never drawn the false equivalence you suggest, but feel free to draw conclusions about what I do or don’t care about.

Anything to draw attention from your silent support of Sims harassment.

Dan Trabue said...

I redirect you to my very first comment, my second sentence in this post. It is wrong to harass people I said. That would include Sims that would include anti-abortion people who harass. I was clear from the front. That you suggest I've been silent shows your prejudices and hypocrisy.

Dan Trabue said...

The question remains unanswered by you, when have you ever complained about people harassing people outside of abortion clinics? By your measure you've been silent on harassment until it was politically helpful for you subject to Sims. Demonstrating your concern is not for women or against harassment. Your concern is trying to demonize progressives. I believe it is entirely lost on you that this is an object lesson for anti-abortion people. Did you ever consider that possibility?

Craig said...

Yes, I am aware that in your first comment you made a vague, general, and specific, reference to harassment. You then addressed more specifically those with whom you disagree. Yet, nowhere do you specifically address the two on your side and their specific actions.

Just like it doesn’t bother you at all, when I say that I reject harassment, for you to make up some fictional version of my opinion driven by your prejudice.

Craig said...

Not that I’m going to do your research for you, and to go back and look up everything I’ve ever written about abortion protesters, but the fact that you’re too lazy or unmotivated to look for it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Just because you’d like to divert attention away from your silence on these current incidents doesn’t mean that your silence isn’t notice.

Craig said...

And thank you ever so much for telling me what my concern is. You are so much more well-qualified that I am to speak to my motivations and concerns, I greatly appreciate your insight. In this case, my concern is once more the hypocrisy shown by the left when they do and say things like this.

The Covington comparison is a good one. In that case, a young person with no power, and no authority was demonized, attacked, slandered, and vilified, or standing silent. In this case we see a white man in a position of power attempting to threaten, and harass, women and girls Who were literally doing nothing provocative. If this guy would have been a Republican he would have been labeled a misogynist, a sexist, a bully, and more. Instead we get people like you trying to make out he silently praying women as the bad guys in this narrative.

Dan Trabue said...

I don't know about you, but when I flat out say, "It is wrong to harass people outside of abortion clinics..." then that is a flat and definitive statement. I didn't say, you'll note, "It is wrong to harass PRO-LIFE PEOPLE ONLY outside of abortion clinics..." I said that it is wrong to harass people outside of abortion clinics.

Does that mean gay people outside of abortion clinics? Well sure, because they are people outside of abortion clinics and it's wrong to harass them.

Does that mean conservative people outside of abortion clinics? Well sure, because they are people outside of abortion clinics and it's wrong to harass them.

Does that mean women outside of abortion clinics? Well sure, because they are people outside of abortion clinics and it's wrong to harass them.

I'm not sure what you're not clear about. I offered no caveats. People, I said. If you're a person, it's wrong to harass you.

You, on the other hand, did not answer my question about if you were consistent on the point, nor the question about whether you addressed abortion clinic harassment BEFORE this incident. So, given your history, it's a safe bet to say that you have not raised a flag against harassment because you have a history of only complaining when liberals do something that conservatives often do.

By all means, show me your lengthy and documented history of opposing conservatives harassing women outside of abortion clinics.

Dan Trabue said...

thank you ever so much for telling me what my concern is. You are so much more well-qualified that I am to speak to my motivations and concerns,

I could point out the hypocrisy and irony, but I'll just point you to your own words which condemn you plenty on their own.

Craig: I suspect it’s more about hypocrisy from folx on the left, than anything else.

Anything to draw attention from your silent support of Sims harassment.


Craig said...

Yes, your vague and unspecific tepid criticism of those on your side is hypocritical. Your painting of silently praying women as engaged in harassment is heartless.

Marshal Art said...

Speaking of hypocrisy, there's this gem:

"The question remains unanswered by you, when have you ever complained about people harassing people outside of abortion clinics?"

This type of question has been asked of Dan by us on a number of issues. The one that stands out to me is when has he ever criticized Obama for anything at all? He claims to have done so, but a search of all his posts during the Obama years (including three months prior and three after) yielded no specific criticisms. (I have a very tiny list of some extremely vague examples)

Anyway, pregnancy isn't a health need. True concern for one's pregnancy isn't addressed at a Planned Parenthood abortion mill. Planned Parenthood only exists to kill the unborn. While some who protest that heinous "service" may be overzealous, nothing they do compares to the evil of murdering innocent human beings.

And absolutely nothing justifies Sims behavior toward women praying outside PP. Totally reprehensible and I wish I was there.

Craig said...

Even in this case (and others) he’s hesitant to specifically criticize either of the two liberals for their outrageous behavior. If it wasn’t a pattern of “I think everyone who does X is wrong, but the conservatives who do X are wronger and I’m going to get really specific about them.”

The two most ironic things about this are.

1. The large pro life rally tomorrow at 11:00 outside this “clinic”. I’m guessing Sims will find pressing business elsewhere instead of harassing more of his constituents.

2. The news that the left is so concerned about the women that they aren’t particularly bothered by the fact that this clinic has repeatedly failed to meet the health and safety standards required of it.

But PP isn’t about money at all.

Marshal Art said...

I would point out that the deflection from the point is not outside the routine of the Dan's of the world. I would also wager that most protests outside of abortion mills are not of the type Dan presented as common. Rather, Dan's examples are those the abortion loving leftist media chooses to highlight in order to disparage all who work to defend the most vulnerable in order to keep the legal liberty to off one's own child. It is a leftist tactic that forces attention away from their own evil positions. The problem with the tactic in this case is that at its basic level, those overzealous defenders of the unborn are defending the unborn. Their intentions are honorable to a very high degree even if their methods are not. That can't be said for the pro-aborts. If they really cared about the women seeking abortions, they wouldn't be defending abortion at all.

Craig said...

I agree that the pro life folks have realized that harassing and intimidating women on the way into abortion clinics is not an effective way to persuade. I suspect that any that still do so are in the minority and growing smaller.

If they really cared about women seeking abortion they’d probably be protesting the fact that this clinic (and others) doesn’t care enough about the patients to meet health department standards.

Marshal Art said...

That's such an important point. The pro-aborts are more concerned with being able to kill their own if its convenient that they ignore just how dangerous the process is for the "mother". Kermit was just one of many.