Thursday, January 14, 2021

Data is interesting

Recently, I've started following some conversations between some "black voices" who interpret the data around racism in different ways.   The link above is from another POC and contains some interesting data.  Listening to "black voices" in and of itself, doesn't seem as valuable as listening to people (who happen to be black) who are seriously interacting with the data.  


Marshal Art said...

The "listen to black voices" meme is dangerous if one believes all black voices say the same thing, or that one is guaranteed to hear truth, facts and logic regarding black issues simply because the person speaking is black. That's nonsense. For example, the people to whom Dan insists we should listen are morons. Not a one of them advocates for anything that will do any good for the black community, save the low hanging fruit of "don't be a racist"...a basic message no one disputes, except the racists to whom Dan insists we must listen.

Craig said...

What's interesting to me, is that because of Dan's prating about "black voices", I've actually been led to some very intelligent, articulate, people on both sides of the political aisle who happen to be black. I follow them because of what they say and how well the support their positions, not because of their skin color. This notion that the value of a persons "voice" is determined by melanin is simply absurd. I think the fact that I've spoon fed Dan some black voices to listen to, and the fact that he apparently hasn't bothered tells me everything I need to know about Dan and the black voices that get past his defenses.