Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Back in November I got to attend the church one of my kids goes to.  It's always great to see that my kids have found good churches to attend as they've moved out from under our roof.  

I thought that the sermon made some good points about what we want as opposed to what God wants for us.

The reality is that most of us want guidance.  We want a map, a GPS, or detailed directions.  We want something that allows us to find our own way to a destination of our own choosing.  But something that allows us to be in control.    

The problem is that we, in our spiritual journeys want guidance, when what we need is a guide.  We want something that gives us enough information that allows us to plot our own course.  We don't want someone who knows the way guiding us.   How often do we put a destination in our GPS, then decide that we know better?  Of course a map doesn't care about us, but a guide does.  

Guidance isn't something that God does for you, it's something God gives you.  

If you want to know God's guidance, the be a person God can guide.   

Wouldn't we all be better off if we spent less time looking for something that can help us with guidance, and more time following the guide?

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