Friday, June 4, 2021

Heartless conservatives

 Recently AOC took to social media to complain that her abuela's house in PR was still unrempaired after the hurricane 3 1/2 years ago.   Now AOC is pulling down $174,000 as a congressperson, and apparently has enough income to afford a Tesla.  The problem seems to be that the US government hasn't fixed her abuela's house and her abuela is living in substandard conditions.    Without unduly criticizing AOC, it does seem like there might have been some options for her to mitigate her abuela's suffering rather than to wait 3.5 years to post about it on social media.    But, on to the point of the post.

After Matt Walsh, a conservative commentator, saw the original post and commented on it he decided to take action.  Instead of waiting for the government, I started a GoFundMe account for AOC's abuela and raised over $48,000 in around 3.5 hours.  (Currently over $62,000).    I think it's awesome to see conservatives unite around this situation and to generously provide for the abuela of one of their political foes. 


Craig said...

It's 6 hours in and up to $70,000.00.

Damn those heartless conservative bastards.

Craig said...


Dan Trabue said...

AOC's response...

"You don’t even have a concept for the role that 1st-gen, first-born daughters play in their families," Ocasio-Cortez replied. "My abuela is okay. But instead of only caring for mine & letting others suffer, I’m calling attention to the systemic injustices you seem totally fine w/ in having a US colony."

IF conservatives want to privately raise money to fix ALL the homes in need in Puerto Rico, I'll applaud the effort. But IF they're going to block US aid to these US citizens (who have no right to vote at the federal level! Which the GOP also blocks) and only pay for one person's house in attempt to shame a political rival - as opposed to actually trying to help, we see this blatant racist diabolical trick for what it is.

Don't point out evil chicanery and partisan gamemanship and praise it as actual charity or justice work.

We see the racists and those fools who give them praise and comfort.

Craig said...

Broke 101,000.

Craig said...

Most of AOC’s response came before the 100,000+ was raised. She hasn’t even acknowledged the incredible generosity shown by a bunch of strangers to her abuela. I guess being impolite and uncouth is what we should expect. Further the history of aid to PR is pretty well documented and the narrative about it all being blocked by the GOP is certainly not the whole story. I remember the video of huge amounts of relief supplies being withheld by the PR government long after the hurricane. The “help everybody” canard is ridiculous. Private relief organizations regularly help segments of affected populations, to impose this requirement is simply absurd. Further, what’s to stop abuela from using the money to help others?

Finally, it this is really a crisis instead of using abuela to score cheap political points, why has the DFL controlled federal government done nothing or even started the process of doing something to fix the problem? We certainly haven’t seen much else of substance happen since January.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "I guess being impolite and uncouth is what we should expect."

Again, there's not a damned thing polite about attempting to publicly shame someone. It's deviant and diabolical as hell.

We see.

Marshal Art said...

Matt Walsh

UPDATE: “someone” in AOC’s abuela’s family told GoFundMe that she won’t take the money, even though AOC previously claimed that her grandma was in dire straits (and it was Trump’s fault). AOC still hasn’t acknowledged this effort or thanked us. The email from GoFundMe is below.
Tragically this charitable effort has been sabotaged by forces outside of our control. Still, I’m grateful for the outpouring of support for abuela, even if AOC isn’t. But questions remain: Why didn’t AOC help her own abuela? Why was our help turned down? We are left to speculate.
In the end, our campaign raised more than $100,000 and could have solved a problem in ten hours that AOC couldn’t solve in four years. We can all be proud of that. As for abuela, all we can do now is pray.

Marshal Art said...

I tried to copy/paste the image of the note to Walsh regarding the refusal to accept the funds raised. It stated that in such cases monies are to be refunded to donors and GoFundMe will send each donor a note to expect the refund.

Marshal Art said...

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Dan obvioulsy missed the real point as to why he was money for AOC's grandmother; AOC is belly-aching about the GOVERNMENT not helping but AOC is part of that government and with her income she should help her own grandmother instead all the whining. You know, socialists NEVER practice what they preach, and AOC is a prime example.

Craig said...

Since AOC spends plenty of time trying to "shame" her political opponents, I'm not sure that pointing out her hypocrisy, false narrative, and use of her abuela to try to score cheap political points really qualifies as "diabolical". Further, there was more than $100,000 raised for abuela. Demonizing the generosity of people you don't agree with politically seems closer to "diabolical" than rsising money to alleviate the suffering of others.

Dan Trabue said...

Really? How much do you all know about Ocasio Cortez's income? About her debts? About her obligations? Are you her financial planner? Her economic adviser? The fact is, you all don't know a God damned thing. To hell with you and your racist attacks. All of you. Shame on you.

Just stop it.

God have mercy.

And where was your concern for the people who Trump ripped off and took money from? Why weren't you raising concerns about that supposed billionaire stealing from students and others? His corruption? We see you giving a pass to the powerful, privileged white man and attacking the Latina woman. We see and we know.

When wilt thou save the people, o Lord of mercy, when?

Craig said...

"Really? How much do you all know about Ocasio Cortez's income?"

1. We know she earns at least $174,000 per year.
2. We know she has enough income for two homes and a Tesla.
3. That her investment portfolio is public.
4. We know that she is eligible for additional income opportunities. $75,000-$150,000 per speech.

"About her debts? About her obligations?"

I guess if her debts are so high that she can't help her abuela on a salary of $174,000 plus other income, then she's made some horrible financial choices.

"Are you her financial planner?"

No, but much of the information is public knowledge.

"Her economic adviser?"

No, see above.

"The fact is, you all don't know a God damned thing."

Actually, we know quite a bit, between public disclosure laws and her social media, we have a fair bit of knowledge.

"To hell with you and your racist attacks."

No, you don't make false claims on blogs, ever.

"All of you. Shame on you. Just stop it."

Please stop raising money for an elderly woman who needs it, how shameful.

"And where was your concern for the people who Trump ripped off and took money from? Why weren't you raising concerns about that supposed billionaire stealing from students and others? His corruption?"

Expressed in other times and places. Trump might not be living in the White House, but he lives rent free in Dan's head.

"We see you giving a pass to the powerful, privileged white man and attacking the Latina woman. We see and we know. When wilt thou save the people, o Lord of mercy, when?"

Again, with the false claims.

Marshal Art said...

Dan's pearl clutching doesn't impress. Assuming AOC's financial situation leaves her w/o a penny to help her own grandmother,what stopped her from beginning her own crowdfunding effort?

I've addressed many...if not most...of Dan's lame attacks on Trump. Dan ignores them w/o any unassailable "hard data". It's his way.

But of course his grace-embracing charge of racism is especially precious. I guess unjustly accusing folks of racism is what embracing grace looks like. I just can't recall where in the Gospels Jesus preached that.

Craig said...


What Dan leaves out in his bullshit false claims about this being racist, is the reality. What happened to the aid to PR is reasonably well documented and to blame Trump or the GOP for the actions of people in positions of power in PR, is absurd. Further, the lack of action on the part of AOC or the Biden administration to right this great wrong has been, up until now, zero. But somehow the GOP minority has the ability and power to prevent anyone in the DFL from introducing legislation to save PR.

Finally, you are correct. Instead of trying to score cheap political points with a false narrative, AOC could have done exactly what Walsh did and could have expanded it beyond abuela. Her social media reach is surely greater than Walsh's and should have been able to raise much more money had she chosen the route of helping.

I suspect, that abuela's home actually has been repaired or that she's moved out into other housing and that the acceptance of the $100,000+ would have brought unwanted attention to her actual living conditions. (Just a hunch)

The fact that Dan is unable to even acknowledge the generosity of those he disagrees with politically, and his need to inject race where race isn't an issue, simply points out the sickness that we see on the left today.

Craig said...


"never "knowingly" making false claims is rather special."

Originally, Dan was quite clear that he'd "never" made a false claim. Later he added the qualifications like "knowingly" which essentially negate the truth of his original claim.

In my experience, it's absolutely idiotic to make claims about "never" and "always", because it only takes one example to falsify the claim.

Of course, I'm tired of these multiple comments of him trying to justify his original claim and to assert some kind of moral superiority. If he can't prove his claim, I simply don't care enough to argue with someone so deluded.