Monday, June 28, 2021

I'm tired of other people changing the subject, so I thought I'd do a little myself


How interesting, it seems that the NYT thinks that the POC vote isn't quite as in the bag for the DFL as some folks do.


There's been a lot of talk lately about all the turmoil in the SBC, one of those issues has been sermon plagiarism.    There has been an undertone of concern over the past few years among some in the "evangelical" world regarding pastors/authors who present the work of others as if it is their own.   I think this kind of sums things up well.

"Do you suppose there's a connection between a pastor believing it's ok to "outsource" the work of studying & preparing his sermons (e.g. plagiarism or using a service to help with sermon prep) and his being led astray from the truth & taken captive be worldly philosophies?"

"Melissa the Homemaking Mater"

Watching video from the Juneteenth celebration in Oakland where young black people were interfering with ambulances that came to deal with the 6 shooting victims from the celebration.   Somehow I suspect that the ex slaves in Galveston would be appalled at the scene.  

"Systemic racism is woefully inadequate because it:

1.  Fails to explain black underperformance relative to other racial groups

2.  Casts all white people as villains

3.  Casts all black people aspowerless actors with no agency

What is the correct idea that should replace it?"

Tyrone Williams

I thought that defacing and tearing down statues was now an accepted and valued means of peacfully engaging in protest.

I just saw that a Brit has undergone surgery and come out as Korean.   Does this mean he’s got grounds to sue 23 & me when his DNA test come back wrong?


Marshal Art said...

The idea of liberalism and conservatism fall to the wayside? Perhaps by those who don't understand the difference between them and that neither are more than just labels for positions everyone holds. One either leans toward one or the other. Thus, the comment is incredibly meaningless.

Another point of concern is this notion of a centrist view of race and criminal justice. There is no such thing. One either believes there is only a human race or one divides by superficial characteristics. One either believes in law-abiding and the punishment of criminal behavior, or one enables lawlessness and victimization of the innocent. Where can one fall in between those stark realities and not be in reality, racist or enablers of crime?

While Adams appears to me to be the least egregious Dem remaining in the race for mayor of NYC, he's still a Dem and thus part of the problems NYC is now facing. If black and minority New Yorkers truly care about resolving their most pressing issues, they might want to avoid doing the same thing once more while expecting a different result.

You didn't say, but if your last line was in reference to the vandalizing of George Floyd statues, I'd say it karma the lefty haters should have expected. Of course, unlike the majority of statues attacked over the last year, Floyd's represents nothing good in any way. They symbolize the lie of systemic racism and the lie of rampant police brutality as if alleged victims of such were not resisting arrest for criminal behavior. I'd love to see all such memorials removed in one way or another, and leave Floyd's family and friends to remember him as they like. To honest people, he's not deserving of any tributes.

Craig said...

Obviously we’ll have to see how it plays out, but the fact that the NYT is concerned enough to write about it suggests that there’s something there. Blacks have always shown as being more conservative on many issues when they’ve removed party from the mix, I guess we’ll see if it’s possible for the DFL to leave them behind also.

It’s more a general observation. Either defacing the statues of those you oppose is a good thing, or it’s not. Doesn’t seem like it can be both.