Monday, October 11, 2021


 "Our culture has accepted two huge lies.  The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear or hate them.  The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe, say or do.   Both are nonsense.  You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."

Dave Chapelle

While I think that there might be a tiny bit of nuance that folks will inject into this, Chapelle is certainly much more right than wrong, and his conclusion is spot on.  

"We're a nation-state.  We have borders.  The idea that we can just have open borders is something a practical matter, is unsustainable."


When folks I disagree with are right, I'll agree with them.   Any time someone can't find anything to agree with in those they disagree with, it seems reasonable to conclude that their disagreement isn't completely rational.  

"A "moral" problem for reparations is that Black people TODAY are better off than we would be had our ancestors not lost to Tippu Tipp...and stayed IN nations like Congo.  This is ugly but obviously true, and why programs like this have always targeted the affected generation."


"I'm hardly the 1st to say ths, but the reason so many 2021 SJW's turn out to have been openly racist jocks/Heathers in the past is obvious from an amoral perspective:  they were simply using the MOST effective form of bullying to exist at each level."

Wilfred Reilly

"They (Ibram Kendi, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Mikole Hannah-Jones) talk a good game about race pride but think anything that is all-black is inferior.  They speak about life in Ameriac today as if melanated skin is a congenital defect.  Black and brown people need to regain their self-respect and reject what these people are selling.

Delano Squires

"The Black unemployment rate INCREASED to 8.8% in August.

The unemployment rate for Black men INCREASED to 9.1% in and INCREASED to 7.9% for Black women in August.

The unemployment rate for Black youth (16-19 years old) INCREASED to 17.9% in August."

Shermichael Singleton

"One Taboo Obvious point re education is that "bad schools" are bad (violent, etc.) largely because of the students and teachers in them.  If you close them down, and simply transfer all the former and half the latter to other schools, those will often soon be "bad schools."

Wilfred Reilly

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

I regard Chapelle to be a true comic genius. He's a moron when it comes to having become muslim and all that goes with that, and his opinions regarding the George Floyd situation are just as moronic. But on most issues on which he remarks...such as on gender, he's quite sharp.

The question is whether or not Obummer was doing anything more than pandering. He proved himself to be one whose words are never to be trusted, even when saying something with which I might agree and likely especially so.

The remaining quotes are all intelligent and insightful expressions from black voices worthy of attention. I would add those of Jason Whitlock, whose response to the John Gruden situation is golden.