Monday, July 25, 2022

If a fetus is a baby.

There are two things going around social media that I wanted to address. The first is a Tik Tok video where a young woman puts out some what if statements about babies. Her statements are as follows. 1. If a fetus is a baby then there would be child support from conception. 2. If a fetus is a baby then the pregnant mother would be eligible for food stamps/welfare. 3. If a fetus is a baby then they should be claimable on one's income tax from conception. 4. If a fetus is a baby, then laws about assaulting (She probably means battery) would also include child abuse. 5. If a fetus is a baby than pregnant women should have gotten an exra $500 added to their stimulus payments. 6. If a fetus is a baby, then the parents should be able to get life insurance on the child. She adds, "I've had multiple miscarriages, if I had life insurance I'd be a millionaire." (or words to that effect) As someone who is is pro-life, I would absouletly support any or all of these being put into law, although I'd expect something in return. 1. That legal standing/personhood/constitutional rights/etc be acknowledged as beginning at conception. 2. That the father of the child has equal rights/say in what happens to the child if he is paying his child support. 3. That all laws as relating to the injury or death of a pregnant woman include additional charges/penalties for the child. 4. The potential for insurance fraud gives me pause, but I think that there are definitely ways to defend against fraud and make this work. If this young woman in particular (aand the pro abortion crown in general) really meant what these videos imply, I believe that virtually every single pro life advocate would gladly accept what I've outlined above with minor adjustments. The problem is that these sorts of things are based on a flawed understanding of the pro life position. I believe that the reality is that the pro abortion folks would never accept any compromise that codifies that life/personhood begins at conception, therefore these types of things are simply propoganda. I also find the seeming profit motive from the "I'd be a millionaire" after miscarriages a little disturbing. But if people want to profit from their miscarraiges, I guess it's not the most disturbing way to make money I've seen. The second is a meme that says: "Everyone's a biblical literalist until Jesus says, with no irony, that sex workers are mmore accurate an image of the kingdom of God than obscenely rich people will ever be.". The first and most obvious problem with this meme, is that it doesn't provide the reference that it's referring to. In a world where biblical literacy is low, there will be plenty of people who have absoluetly zero idea what Jesus actually said, who'll blindly accept this as sound, biblical scholarship. The second most pbvious problem is that the meme implies a complete lack of repentence on the part of either party. The notion that an unrepentant sinner of any kind accurately represents the Kingdom of God is simply ridiculous. Since this meme doesn't actually give anyone anything to work with (beyond bad interpretation), there really isn't any point in going deeper. The problem with both of these is that they rely on ignorance of the actual positions of the "other side" to try to push an inaccurate narative.


Marshal Art said...

Well said.

Craig said...

Thanks. So much of the media coverage (both MSM and social) is simply not interested in the Truth. The goal is to stop any restrictions on abortion, and those in favor of that aren't going to let a little thing like the Truth, or accuracy get in their way. It's all about appealing to emotions at the expense of facts.

One of the more amusing takes on this is that so many people oppose states being able to choose to make their own policies around abortion. I guess it's OK for nine old white men to make policy by judicial fiat, but heaven forbid we allow the citizens of the several states to make their own choices.