Friday, November 11, 2022

I Can’t Believe It

 Well the midterms are over, and instead of a brief respite, we get the beginnings of 2024.    Apparently Trump is trying to get a head start by blaming others for some of the losers he backed, and going scorched earth on his perceived rivals.   Clearly this is the best of all possible GOP candidates, and someone who has the best interests of the GOP foremost in his mind.

From a senile POTUS, to a paranoid POTUS, that’s exactly what we need.  

And all y’all who voted DFL because you believed Biden had actually given you a refund for your student loan debt, don’t look that smart at this point either.  


Marshal Art said...

I do not agree with Trump's current actions. At the very least, as others have said, he should withhold ANY talk of '24 until this election is completely resolved and we know where we stand with regard to who is in which office. Afterward, and, God willing, we have both House and Senate in hand, then one can get down and start promoting one's self above all others for whatever office one seeks in '24. Now is simply not the time. I intend to send these thoughts to DJT by whatever means available, be it via his social site, Twitter (which I mean to get on now that Musk is running has to be a blast now) or any other more direct contact info I can find to get the message to him.

BTW...the troll is trying to speak to you through my blog. Would you like me to post his comment here, or will you seek it out of your spam folder now that I've mentioned this or would you prefer to just ignore him regardless of what he says (which is always nonsensical)? Let me know here or through other means.

Craig said...

I'm not interested in anything any trolls have to say. Anyone who is too stupid to understand that their comments will not be posted or responded to, doesn't deserve any investment of time.

Marshal Art said...

Then off into the ether it goes!!