Thursday, October 3, 2024

Whoopsie Daisey



Thank goodness that the federal government is spending billions on illegal aliens and funding Ukraine, yet running out of funds to help US citizens experiencing a crisis from a natural disaster.   

One more excuse to borrow more billions and raise taxes on us, our children, their children, and their children's children.   

Good job Joe and Kamala. 

This must be True because a revered source of real journalism has reported it. 


Marshal Art said...

Just did a post on this travesty myself. And we're supposed to believe that this administration manifested "fitness for the office of president" and Harris will do better? It's hard to even fathom that level of stupidity exists and as devastating as Hurricane Helene, the Lahaina fire and the East Palestine chemical spill put together to know it does.

Anonymous said...

Yes, blame poor immigrants and refugees, that's rational. Ignore the reality that the GOP has been fighting the reality of climate change and potential solutions to it. Deny the science and data and experts. Trust your "gut." That's what your overlords are encouraging you to do.

(Rolls eyes)


Craig said...

"Yes, blame poor immigrants and refugees, that's rational."

Well, it's clearly not "rational" to make up bullshit like this and act like it represents reality. The reality IS that FEMA and the Biden/Harris administration HAVE been spending billions on illegal aliens and now have no budget left to protect those they were elected and sworn to protect. I'm "blaming" the Biden/Harris administration if I'm "blaming" anyone.

" Ignore the reality that the GOP has been fighting the reality of climate change and potential solutions to it."

Are you really claiming that Helene could have been prevented or mitigated had "the GOP" given the Biden/Harris administration (or any other administration) unlimited funding for "climate change"? What specific bill was voted down by the GOP that would have prevented the damage from Helene? Of course this ignores the fact that there were worse hurricanes pre industrialization.

"Deny the science and data and experts."

Where is the "Science" that you put your trust in that definitively tells you how to prevent or mitigate hurricane damage? Especially when it's hundreds of miles inland and related to normal weather patterns that held it in place longer then expected.

"Trust your "gut." That's what your overlords are encouraging you to do."

I'm not, and I have no secret "overlords" that tell me what to do.

But bonus points for invoking multiple conspiracy theories.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Trabue again proves he is so brainwashed by the LEFT that he has no common sense. There is absolutely NO evidence that mankind can do anything to affect the climate. The whole "climate change" hysteria was developed to give the government more control over our lives.

Anyone who thinks this current hurricane was cause by "climate change" only demonstrates their ignorance of history and science.

Marshal Art said...

Dan's a sad liar. He says what he's told to say and then dares suggest we're the sheep. Hilarious if not so pathetic.

Craig said...

Once upon a time, I read some thing about how from the '60s on nonconformity was highly prized in young people. Yet, they demonstrated this nonconformity by going to (for example) a concert and dressing and acting identically. Further, the anti-establishment radicals from the '60s are not the establishment in the academy and government. So, Dan demonstrating his individuality be following the "experts" and regurgitating everything they say without any critical thought is just par for the course.