Saturday, January 4, 2025

Nothing to See Here

 A large number of people were killed or wounded in NO last week (and the breaking rape circles story), and the cesspool is more interested in a hagiography of Jimmy Carter than even offering a tiny bit of sympathy for the victims or criticism of the perpetrators.  

I know, I know, the cesspool has previously expressed blanket condemnation of any and every act committed by anyone in a demographic group that the left generally supports, and a vague expression of sympathy to the victims of these acts.   I guess that's enough, and those on the right will no longer be hectored about condemning incidents from those the cesspool deems "right wing extremists", every time something happens. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Narrative v. Data?


I'm posting the Twitter link because this is a lengthy post, with  multiple charts and graphs and it's easier not to try to reformat it.   I'll note that Shellenberger is hardly some right wing extremist.   

I saw some data the other day bout this trope which showed that the highest number of "right wing" plots and actions was around 160 a couple of years ago.    The things that seemed strange is the combining of "plots" with "actions" or "deaths".  I can't conceive of a situation where a "plot" could ever be equated with (for example) either of the two "recent" truck attacks by non "White/Right Wing extremists".   It's like combining suicides and defensive deaths into the "gun death" metrics as a way to make the problems appear to be something it's not.     I'm not encouraging anyone, especially those on the right, to engage in any violent action.  I am encouraging an accurate and unbiased look at the data to determine the real risks we face. 

Rape rings

I wrote a bit yesterday about the "Grooming" rings rampant in England.  First, from here on out they will be referred to as rape rings as that is more accurate.  Second, this has been known and ignored by the UK government since 1997.    How in the literal hell is this possible in a 20th/21st century western European country?

"A convicted Rochdale grooming gang ringleader is still living in the city where he abused children, nearly nine years after he was ordered to be deported.

Qari Abdul Rauf, 54, was part of a nine-strong gang of Asian men convicted of sex offences against vulnerable girls in 2012.

Up to 47 girls as young as 12 were plied with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in Rochdale during a two-year reign of terror.

Rauf was jailed for six years but released in November 2014 after serving two years and six months of his sentence.

Theresa May, the then home secretary, ordered him to be sent back to Pakistan as it would be “conducive to the public good”.

Rauf and fellow gang leader Adil Khan, who got a 13-year-old girl pregnant, fought their deportation orders.

They lost a lengthy battle in 2018 but later launched another case, insisting the order breached their human rights as they both had wives and children in the UK. Their appeals were rejected.

But nearly nine years later, Rauf remains in Rochdale, where his victims are forced to live alongside him."


So, this guy is convicted of child rape, gets out early,  and now lives in freedom 9 years after he was ordered to be deported?    I get that Pakistan doesn't want him back, but why let him out of jail?   Why the light sentence (6 years) for raping at least 47 girls?    Why aren't people like Dan and the rest of the pro Islam/pro Hamas folx screaming about this?   Is it because "love is live", or "MAPS are just one more sexual expression."?     It's unlikely we'll ever really know.  Maybe it's because the MSM (you know, the real journalists) aren't reporting on this story.,of%20consanguineous%20marriages.%20Still%2C%20this%20social%20custom%20persists.

The vast majority of the perpetrators of these rape rings are Pakistani and I saw a piece that explains some possible reasons why their inbreeding plays a role in their normalization of raping young, non Muslim, girls.    The premise of the piece is that the inbreeding leads to the overwhelming importance of the clan to Pakistanis and this leads to the attitude that anyone outside of the clan has little or no value.    If I can find it, I'll post a link.

"A central aspect that is important to understand regarding the Pakistani child-rape gangs: Pakistan is the most inbred country in the entire world. You can go all your life here in Denmark without meeting a child born to close relatives. In Pakistan it's above 60%. This is completely different worlds in a fundamental way. Inbreeding gives rise to mental problems and disorders due to harmful recessive variants. But the problem goes deeper than that. Inbreeding permeates the culture in Pakistan, and has done so for countless generations, spanning into the distant past. This has shaped a society centered around kinship ties, around family and honour. This is deeply different from the more atomized, personalized societies of the modern West. The society in Pakistan is more fractured into a number of patrilineages with a strong sense of internal loyalty. This creates a threat to those outside the lineages - the more distant, the larger the threat. But their society is also resilient to this threat. The patrilineage clans are strong protectors. They watch out for the weak and vulnerable within them to a degree that is foreign to North-Western Europeans. (Less so to for example people from southern Europe or Southern U.S.) Their 12 year old girls would not walk out alone at the mercy of hostile clans. They would be watched over and protected by their family. If someone hurt a vulnerable girl from their clan, they would take violent revenge. This cultural system has co-evolved with inbreeding. Inbreeding helps bring the clans much tighter together. Inbreeding ensures that family ties and allegiances stay within clans to a much higher degree, especially over time. There is also an evolutionary genetic aspect: If you share a larger part of your genome with your cousin, your genetic interest will be more closely aligned. If you look at many of the convicted Pakistani child gang-rapists, a pattern you notice is that the gangs are often centered around close relatives such as cousins or brothers. See for example this clip: Here we have three brothers: Sangeer Hussein, Arshid Hussein and Basharat Hussein, organizing child gang rapes and torture together. In the clip the Pakistani child rapist also blames the girls for what they were wearing, and stresses the fact that they are allowed to go out on their own. The Northern European culture is as alien to him as his is to us. He cannot comprehend a culture that would not watch over its young girls at all, and even let them tempt strangers in this way. Now, given this knowledge, what is the very most reckless thing you can do? It is to take millions of people from the most inbred, clan-based culture in the world and insert them into a personal freedom-focused Western culture, without taking any precautions. The Pakistani culture understands the threat, it can handle the threat. The Northern European culture is not prepared for the threat, at all. It hardly even understands the threat. Even after reading about thousands of accounts of child gang-rapes, the Northern European still doesn't comprehend. It's alien to them, surreal. They on a fundamental level do not understand, and do not understand how to deal. That's why we can read about deranged things, such as a British father being arrested by the police when he attempted to rescue his daughter from a rape den. Or about the child gang-rape victims some years later seeing their Pakistani-born abusers in the local supermarket, walking around with a new female child victim. If we had any sense of the deep differences between peoples of the world, we would know that this spells disaster. But regrettably, the modern Western world has memed (and shamed) itself into thinking that all peoples are identical. Such deep mistakes in understanding of the world can come with an enormous price for socities and for victims. Such as the years of repeated gang-rapes and torment for vulnerable 12 year old girls."

Note the section in bold.  

While I agree that the protection of the vulnerable is an admirable trait, the dismissal of the protection for anyone outside of the clan seems barbaric. 


 While I know that making generalized statements about all of the people in any demographic group can be problematic, there are times when it is appropriate to do so.  

Apparently a large numbers of those who profess Islam as their faith, including most of their religious leaders, and most of the government/legal systems of Muslim majority countries have made one thing clear over the past 75 years.

They can't live peacefully with other Muslims who don't agree with them (Sunni/Shia/Sufi).

They can't live peacefully with Muslims who leave Islam. 

They can't live peacefully with Hindus.

They can't live peacefully with Jews.

They can't live peacefully with Christians.

They can't live peacefully with Atheists.

They hate the LGBTQXYZPDQ folx.

They hate free speech.

They hate religious freedom for any faith other then Islam.

They oppress women. 

Then they complain about Islamophobia.   


To be clear, some secular Muslims/countries can live without active wars between the various groups mentioned.   Yet they still do not allow for religious freedom in any meaningful sense, and still advocate for the removal, conversion of those who follow all other religions.  

Further, it is possible that individual people who are culturally Muslim can and do live in peace and harmony with all of the above groups and who assimilate into other cultures.   Unfortunately, they would be considered apostate by a large number of other Muslims.  

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Bits of Tid

 “If I were rich, I would have a plaque made up, and sent to every judge in America, bearing a statement made by Adam Smith more than two and a half centuries ago: ‘Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.’” — Thomas Sowell

This is pretty profound. Aside from the obvious issues with recidivism, having a lower standard for the guilty cheapens the value of innocence.

Maybe the Gaetz allegations weren't as represented. 


 "We often hear that Christian men are Exhibit A of toxic masculinity. The co-founder of the Churchtoo movement, which followed theMetoo movement, said, theology of male headship “feeds the rape culture that we see permeating American Christianity today.” But social scientists were listening to these accusations and asking, where’s your evidence? You’re making these charges, but where’s your data? So they went out and did the studies. And they found that evangelical family men who attend church regularly are actually the most loving husbands and the most engaged fathers. Compared to the average American family man, evangelical men are • More loving to their wives 4 (and yes, they do interview the wives separately) • Evangelical fathers are more engaged with their children -- 3.5 more hours /wk than secular men • Evangelical couples have the lowest rate of divorce -- 35 % lower than secular couples • And surprisingly they have the lowest rates of domestic violence of any group in the US. Sometimes a quote can help crystalize a point, so here’s a quote from the sociologist who did the largest study—his name is Brad Wilcox of the University of Virginia, and this is from article he wrote for the New York Times: “It turns out that the happiest of all wives in America are religious conservatives. Fully 73 percent of wives who hold conservative gender values and attend religious services regularly with their husbands have high-quality marriages.” Wilcox then turns to his secular colleagues and says: “Academics need to cast aside their prejudices about religious conservatives and evangelicals in particular. Conservative Protestant married men with children are consistently the most active and expressive fathers and the most emotionally engaged husbands.” This is not a pep talk from a religious leader. These are the results of rigorous empirical testing. These are evidence- based findings showing that Christianity does have the power to reconcile the sexes, as I put it in the subtitle to my book. We should be confident about bringing into the secular arena to debunk the negative media narratives."


Nancy Pearcey

Adapted from The Toxic War on Masculinity

100 years seems light.

 It's still early, but the "white conservatives" are the problem narrative just took another hit.  One more example of how the left and their "anti weapon" narrative goes silent depending on the circumstances.

The increasing number of reports of Pakistani men grooming young girls for sexual slavery is disturbing. Than virtually no one in the MSM or APL is talking about this is even worse. 


Oy, Yeah. Jimmy Carter died. He was an average man, a below average president, and became more and more extreme as he got older.  While I feel for his friends and family, the sanctification of Carter seems a bit excessive.