Thursday, January 2, 2025

Bits of Tid

 “If I were rich, I would have a plaque made up, and sent to every judge in America, bearing a statement made by Adam Smith more than two and a half centuries ago: ‘Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.’” — Thomas Sowell

This is pretty profound. Aside from the obvious issues with recidivism, having a lower standard for the guilty cheapens the value of innocence.

Maybe the Gaetz allegations weren't as represented. 


 "We often hear that Christian men are Exhibit A of toxic masculinity. The co-founder of the Churchtoo movement, which followed theMetoo movement, said, theology of male headship “feeds the rape culture that we see permeating American Christianity today.” But social scientists were listening to these accusations and asking, where’s your evidence? You’re making these charges, but where’s your data? So they went out and did the studies. And they found that evangelical family men who attend church regularly are actually the most loving husbands and the most engaged fathers. Compared to the average American family man, evangelical men are • More loving to their wives 4 (and yes, they do interview the wives separately) • Evangelical fathers are more engaged with their children -- 3.5 more hours /wk than secular men • Evangelical couples have the lowest rate of divorce -- 35 % lower than secular couples • And surprisingly they have the lowest rates of domestic violence of any group in the US. Sometimes a quote can help crystalize a point, so here’s a quote from the sociologist who did the largest study—his name is Brad Wilcox of the University of Virginia, and this is from article he wrote for the New York Times: “It turns out that the happiest of all wives in America are religious conservatives. Fully 73 percent of wives who hold conservative gender values and attend religious services regularly with their husbands have high-quality marriages.” Wilcox then turns to his secular colleagues and says: “Academics need to cast aside their prejudices about religious conservatives and evangelicals in particular. Conservative Protestant married men with children are consistently the most active and expressive fathers and the most emotionally engaged husbands.” This is not a pep talk from a religious leader. These are the results of rigorous empirical testing. These are evidence- based findings showing that Christianity does have the power to reconcile the sexes, as I put it in the subtitle to my book. We should be confident about bringing into the secular arena to debunk the negative media narratives."


Nancy Pearcey

Adapted from The Toxic War on Masculinity

100 years seems light.

 It's still early, but the "white conservatives" are the problem narrative just took another hit.  One more example of how the left and their "anti weapon" narrative goes silent depending on the circumstances.

The increasing number of reports of Pakistani men grooming young girls for sexual slavery is disturbing. Than virtually no one in the MSM or APL is talking about this is even worse. 


Oy, Yeah. Jimmy Carter died. He was an average man, a below average president, and became more and more extreme as he got older.  While I feel for his friends and family, the sanctification of Carter seems a bit excessive.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

100 years seems light.

Execution for any child molester would be light.

Craig said...

No argument from me.