Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Biden Foolishness

Well, the fact check shoe is on the other foot.  These sorts of egregious, pandering lies are why anyone who bitches about Trump  but not Biden is simply too partisan.

 More stupid lies.  That have been known to be lies for years.  Why the speechwriters put this idiocy in speeches boggles the mind.

The possibility of Biden losing significant black support seems to be a thing.

When a raging liberal like Maher is saying this kind of thing, it might really be bad.

In a move to buy votes by artificially lowering gas prices, while simultaneously endangering the country in the event of an emergency, Biden continues to drain the strategic reserves.  

FYI, it's likely that the cost to replace what Biden has removed will be significantly higher than the cost of the oil when it was out in.  So not only is Biden harming our emergency preparedness, and harming the environment in his vote buying scheme, he's also harming the economy.  

I don't have a link, but I was talking with our in house lender recently about interest rates and we were discussing the fact that an interest rate drop during an election campaign was something that almost always happens.   While we don't know for sure, it is highly unlikely that Biden will be able to strong arm the fed into a rate cut any time soon.   Inflation is still high and they are standing firm on their strategy. 

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