Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wisdom from Erik

I work with Erik, and I think we'd both consider ourselves to be friends.  Erik is from Scandinavia and now lives in the US.  He is one of the more outspoken leftists I know, even if he's prone to ignorance on certain topics.   (Once I had to explain the US primary system as if to a child)   Recently he's been on a pro Hamas/Anti Israel/Antisemitic run on his social media pages.   This one struck me as interesting.   The fact that he's convinced that the 2024 election is a forgone conclusion, and that Trump will win is impressive.    The fact that he's referring to Biden as "Genocide Joe" is so out of step with most of the APL it's astounding.   The fact that he's misusing the term "Genocide" is obviously problematic, but it's a catchy moniker.   I wonder how prevalent this thought process is on the APL and how it will affect the election this fall. 



" Pretty sure the result of the upcoming US election in Nov. is already determined. Not necessarily because the majority of the voters want 4 more years of Trump craziness, but simply because democrats with some kind of common sense and humanity can't support Genocide Joe anymore. I know I've used this expression several times and here you have it ones more..... don't need to be Einstein to understand that you're feeding and inspiring people to end up as terrorists if not ending supporting Israel. And to make it very clear.... nothing to do with being anti semitic. Same as critizing African countries without being called a racist. Of course.... leaderships in Africa consist of people with color. Not making you a racist though."


A quote from Erik's social media page.    




 Dan I did NOT call Biden "Genocide Joe", those are NOT my words, they are the words of Erik who I QUOTED.     


FYI, if "Genocide Joe" is supporting "genocide", he's not supporting the "genocide" of those in Gaza.  


Marshal Art said...

Dan likely would never refer to President Joey Pantload as "Genocide Joe", because he too busy pretending Biden is a good and decent man. But Dan does support the notion that Israel is committing genocide against the Gazans, because he's that stupid. But despite Israel's IDF having the best record of conducting military operations with the least civilian loss of life...the least "collateral damage"...I can think of no other group of people more deserving of being wiped from the face of the earth. The world would indeed be a better, more peaceful place...especially for innocent Israeli citizens, who constantly suffer enduring the very real potential of attempts on their lives every single day. I have absolutely no concern for the lives of those who occupy Gaza and the West Bank under the falsely appropriated name of "Palesinian".

As to the many outbreaks of pro-Gaza demonstrations, I'd love to see, and would gladly personally support, push back hard enough to make them afraid to organize demonstrations at all. The recent vile attempt by these assholes to disrupt a Memorial Day event makes me sick to my stomach. Given who these assholes are supporting, they should never be tolerated by honest, patriotic Americans.

Craig said...

I think it's simpler than that. I think that Dan is simply too much of a coward to speak out against whoever is coronated as the DFL nominee. I think he sincerely believes all the Pollyanna bullshit he spouts about what "progressives believe", despite evidence to the contrary, and therefore has to pretend as if the DFL candidate embodies all of his progressive ideals no matter what the reality is.

But Dan IS going to proudly march into a polling place and vote for "Genocide Joe" in November.

Marshal Art said...

Without a doubt.

Marshal Art said...

Also, as I reread your response, I think Dan (and his ilk) does indeed believe his pablum absolutely. But there's a difference between holding a belief and living it. There's also a difference between holding a belief and being too stupid to see how what one believes leads to negative outcomes if the belief isn't truly lived out. It's incredible to note the beliefs those like Dan express versus all the harm they've caused. But then, Dan loves irony.

Craig said...

Dan seems to be one of those who wants to be part of the crowd, especially if he thinks that they are "winning". He's quick to tell us that he "would have" spoken out against x or not supported y, but it's always after the fact somehow.

He doesn't seem bothered y "Genocide Joe" giving Ukraine long range missiles and supporting their attacks on Russian civilian targets, does he? It's hard to tell when he's silent.