Thursday, May 23, 2024

Good Question

 I apologize for not being able to get a better source for the video clip, but here goes.  

Cut to about 4:56 in the video to see NBC news correspondent Peter Alexander totally Stump KJP.    If Alexander, from NBC (one of the anointed news organizations Dan approves of) is asking this question, it's clear that this isn't just a conservative issue.

Why won't Biden give $37,000 to everyone? 


Marshal Art said...

It is a logical question and I don't think this guy is the first to bring it up. It's really a most logical question Biden & Co needs to answer, and clearly KJP isn't capable, because there's no answer other than that everyone with any loan debt whatsoever should be getting a check to cover it. But that's stupid regardless of how most lefties will regard it as a great idea. KJP's answer is similar to Dan's MO in that she's inflating the degree of inconvenience those who are saddled with the debt into which they willingly entered are somehow more burdened by that debt than anyone with a home loan or the like. It's lefty lying again. It's what they do and should people buy in, then they've bribed enough people to increase support for them at the polls.

Craig said...

It's an incredibly logical, rational, coherent, and important question. It's also one that everyone who supports this vote buying scheme (election interference anyone?) can't coherently answer. Especially since these gifts have gone disproportionately to those at the higher end of the socioeconomic scale.

It also is ignoring the real problem around higher education. They need to maintain the pipeline of students going to college, because they need to keep the leftists who control the academy happy. So they continue to throw money at 18 year olds regardless of their future ability (or the potential income of their major) to pay it back.

My youngest, who has significant student loan debt (long story, suffice it to say my in laws were less than honest with us and we trusted them), and who's chosen a career that has a longer ramp up to a good paycheck than other careers, had a great business idea a couple of years ago. Had he been given access to the amount of money he got for student loans, as a business loan, (hindsight and all), I have no doubt that he'd be running a pretty successful business right now.

All that to say, it's an incredibly idiotic system and the costs of college are even more absurd, but the left needs to perpetuate it to maintain control of the academy.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Here's a good post with the clip of KJP

Marshal Art said...

Sorry to hear of your youngest child's struggles. You and yours seem to regard that as your problem to resolve and not mine, which is how it ought to be. We've put three through four years of college, with the first two subsidizing their own journey to their Master's Degrees. With those two, their biological father added some amount (I think it was actually half) to get it done. The third daughter brought forth by my marriage, has decided to forego her Master's for a number of logical reasons, and we paid for that ourselves. Mind you, my wife and I were not at a level of so many whose loans are being "forgiven" now. But it was our obligation to educate our kids, and we paid our own debts. I can't recall the situation with the first two...about 12 years separates the third from the second...but my daughter continually offered to pay back our costs. My position has always been that bringing a child into the world obligates me to provide, and that includes 16 years of education. I got it done. Many have. Dave Ramsay highlights lots who have. Joe Biden panders to those seeking handouts.

Marshal Art said...

...and like Dan regarding all the millions of illegal invaders being poor oppressed refugees from threats of death, this administration regards those with college debt as being "crushed" or whatever term can be used to rationalize the pandering.

Craig said...

It's not so much a struggle as it's just frustrating. In many ways college was great for him and was worth the investment. However, his post college choices (so far) don't require a degree. But, yes he/we made the commitment and it's his/our responsibility.

My larger point is that if he'd gone to a bank and asked for a business loan to start the business he's talked about, he'd have been refused in an instant. Instead they're drooling to offer large unsecured loans for school.

At this point the whole academy/student loan industrial complex is a self perpetuating scam for all too many. The academy needs more bodies to justify their budgets, endowments, and capitol improvements. The kids buy into the lie that the only correct path for (almost) everyone is the rush right into a 4+ year college and get a degree, and that they should "follow their dreams" instead of pursuing a degree with a good ROI. The lenders are perfectly willing to throw money at 18 years olds because they'll make millions. This is all protected by the Feds who exempted student loans from bankruptcy.

The whole system has been corrupted by the left and needs a complete overhaul.

I'm not sure that parents are obligated beyond high school, but it's not a hill I'd die on. There are too many alternatives to 16 years of formal education that lead to a good standard of living for me to go that far.

Craig said...

As long as you remember that it's all about pandering and buying votes (see the recent bill to allow non citizens to vote), it all falls into place.

Marshal Art said...

"My larger point is that if he'd gone to a bank and asked for a business loan to start the business he's talked about, he'd have been refused in an instant. Instead they're drooling to offer large unsecured loans for school."

This is a profound insight. It's absurd that such a refusal for one and an eager agreement to subsidize the other exists at all.

It's just me as regards paying for the first four years of college. It wouldn't necessarily be a blank check sort of thing. I'd need to know their goals. But yeah...while college is becoming far less necessary for one to launch a lifetime career, if it is necessary to do that properly, it's simply part of my obligation to insure they become self-sufficient, productive members of society. Had it gotten to a point where no employer gave "extra credit" to applicants with college in their history, I'd have felt differently.

Craig said...

Yes, it's a ridiculous system, based on perpetuating the left wing control over the academy and pumping more money into higher education with little or no accountability for how well it is spent.

It seems like one of the goals of education would be to teach students critical thinking and how to look at risk/reward. Taking out tens of thousands of loan to pay for a degree with little or no ROI seems like a high risk/low reward proposition. Yet the entire academy is encouraging thousands of high school students to make this horrible financial decision which will cause lifelong harm to some, simply to line their pockets.

Paying for college is obviously an individual choice. My in laws insisted that they had it covered, and we responded accordingly, unfortunately they lied and we didn't investigate until it was too late.

Marshal Art said...

I think if we eliminate all the bullshit courses...the lesbian studies programs and the like...and simply return to that which was more common prior to, say, the 1980's (an arbitrary line, but hang with me), we'd find that there are plenty of areas of study which can never promise a lavish lifestyle, but are still worthy for any with the passion for them. The cost of mastering those areas of study, however, has been made outrageously expensive due to government interference, so that the ROI is far lower than it should be. Yet, there is still a benefit to having, say, English lit professors and such. There simply needs to be preliminary saving for the education and adjusting one's lifestyle to allow for repayment of any loans.

One thing which might work is if a movement could be started in which all who contribute privately to universities cease the practice and let it be known to them what it will take to compel them to again provide financial support. The list of criteria could be using their endowments to aid student repayment of their loans. I still wouldn't like the idea of those who took out loans not paying them off themselves. But the schools are well able to step up to that plate.

Craig said...

Obviously eliminating the bullshit majors would be huge, or means testing loans for ROI. STEM degree students get lots of loans at favorable rates, Lesbian Studies majors, not so much.

We need to promote college alternatives as well. Mandate minimal interest on student loans, make them dischargable in bankruptcy, and get rid of DEI admissions as well.

The problem is that the Education Indusrial Complex isn't interested in anything but furthering their interests. Continuing to add obscene numbers of administrators, and professors is worthless subjects (who pass of everything to grad assistants anyway). Student loans fund the bloated excesses of the academy. It sounds radical, but burn it all down and start over. Stop using a 19th century educational model in the 21st century for starters.

Absolutely alumni should stop giving immediately, the money spigot need to be cut off.