Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I'm Confused

 Last weekend, Harrison Buttker (the very outspoken Roman Catholic kicker for the Chiefs) spoke at the graduation of a small Roman Catholic University in Kansas.    Surprisingly he said things based in his RC faith, to an audience at a RC university.   How could he do such a thing.   His outrageous statements included pointing out that Biden's actions conflict with the RC faith he claims to have.  He encouraged young men to "do hard things" (which we also encouraged kids in the tutoring program I was involved in to do).  

Let's remember a couple of things.  

1.  This is the player who stepped up big time to help the family of one of the shooting victims at the parade in Feb.  

2.  He was not on the field when he made these comments.  Not in uniform.  On his personal time. 

It's strange that the same people who encourage "speech" of all kinds, on the field, and to all kinds of extremes, are so interested in curtailing his right to say RC things to an RC audience.  

Seems like the opposite of free speech.  

I just saw a Twitter post where a woman posts her picture and the words  "It's impossible for a woman after 40 to find a boyfriend.  I have no children, I cook delicious food and have a big house.  Am I really that bad?"

Now I don't know any details, but I can't help but wonder what she did with her life between ages 18 and 40.  I suspect that how she spent those years would provide clues as to why she's not getting what she wants. 


Marshal Art said...

Well, where does he get off daring to speak his mind if his mind is so...so...Roman Catholic???

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Everything I've seen and heard about his speech was OUTSTANDING. But the LEFT hates truth and will persecute this man until he is kicked out of the NFL and having his life ruined. The LEFT are EVIL and anti-God and anti-Truth.

Craig said...

I think that there was one thing that I thought might have been questionable, of course I can't remember and it doesn't matter, but other than that it was completely appropriate for his audience. He had to know that he would stir up trouble and he stuck to his convictions. I expect people to push back against what he said, but the level of hatred was more than I expected. I'm not surprised at how badly he's been misrepresented, but it's crazy what people make up.

His jersey sales are up significantly, and I'm seeing support for him which are both good. If I was someone who wore jerseys, I'd probably buy one.