Monday, May 13, 2024

Biden Lies

Biden lies and claims inflation was at 9% when he took office.

Biden tells "A lie a minute".

 1. “I’ve created over 15 million jobs since I’ve been president.” 2. “Other than Herbert Hoover, [Donald Trump] is the only president who has lost more jobs than he created.” 3. “Look at what he says he’s going to do if he gets elected. Says he’s going to do away with what I’ve done on Medicare, reducing the price of Medicare.” 4. “You know we have 1,000 billionaires in America. Know what their average federal tax is? 8.3%.” 5. “We’ve already turned it around [on the economy].” 6. “The polling data has been wrong all along.” 7. “There’s corporate greed going out there. And it’s got to be dealt with.” 8. “[Inflation] was 9% when I came to office.” 9. “They have the money to spend. It angers them and angers me that they have to spend more.” 10. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs, and other ways in which they go after population centers.” 11. “We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas.” 12. “It made no sense in my view to engage in thinking in Iraq they have a nuclear weapon.” 13. “You can’t only love your country when you win.” 14. “I travel around the world, other world leaders, know what they all say, 80% of them, ‘You gotta win. My democracy is at stake.’” 15. “Then [Trump] is going to put in a 10% tax that’s going to increase average Americans’ cost $1,500 a year.”

This crosses administrations.  


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